
Battle Royale

Created by Galactus, 1 y 10 mo 7 d ago.

I'm currently working on the Battle Royale feature.
I'll post progress updates here, ask for suggestions, etc.

This topic is locked


Galactus 1 y 3 mo 27 d
Battle Royale
8+ year member
Battle Royale is only about 5% of all new Battles! I thought you all wanted it so bad!?
Galactus 1 y 5 mo 23 d
Battle Royale
8+ year member
I wanted to make it easier to create Classic Battle Royales (1 member per team), by adding a switch that limited the Members per team, and automatically adds new teams when you click on the name in the Search pop-up.
But that would have delayed the launch again, so that will be added in a future update.

When I create a Classic BR, I first just add a bunch of empty teams. And then add the single members. Don't worry if you made too many empty teams, they will be ignored when you start the Battle.
MoNsTeR 1 y 5 mo 23 d
Battle Royale
48 months member