Archer Of Red

Archer Of Red


Nasu universe

Archer Of Red's powers and abilities

Atalanta is a famous huntress from Greek mythology that earned her recognition thanks to being the first one to drive in an arrow during the extermination of the Calydonian Boar.[3] After being raised by a female bear and later adopted by a hunter who treaded into the mountains, she has developed her skills conspicuously, perhaps due to her latent talent.[6] As such, Atalanta is a peerless huntress,[3] and the greatest of Greek mythology,[15] skilled in the ways of the forest, easily traversing through it by leaping between branches, having knowledge in restraining wild beasts, and displaying the capability to easily become one with the forest to easily disappear from the sight of someone actively watching her. She is more animal than human, and her senses are far greater than others. She is able to sense enemies far before Achilles with her great sense of smell, and her sight is great enough to pinpoint targets in conditions of near zero visibility at night from an extreme distance.[15] Atalanta is also famed for her swift feet,[6] which would not allow her to lose to any man in a foot race.[3] As such, Frankenstein is not able to fill the gulf between their physical capabilities even with the support of her Bridal Chest which allows her to emulate the Mana Burst skill. Even after Frankenstein kept chasing her after being hit on two vital points, Atalanta was still confident that she could defeat Frankenstein.[15] She is also included as a member of the Argonautai, which assembled brave heroes from all over Greece.[3]


As one of the world's most famous archers, Atalanta wields Tauropolos: Bow of Heaven (天穹の弓タウロポロス, Tenkō no YumiTauroporosu?), the boar-killer, a celestial bow that can be called a "rare gem befitting such an archer." A large bow she received from the gods, it is her general armament, her weapon of choice that received the blessings of the goddess Artemis.[2][3] It is a jet black, Western-style weapon larger than her own height, granted to her by Artemis and named after one of the goddess' titles. Although usually there's nothing its arrows cannot pierce, the power of her regular shots isn't high enough to hurt Siegfried due to his Armor of Fafnir. However, by drawing her bow to its limit she's able to perform a physical attack flying faster than the speed of sound that clearly exceeds an A rank strike. In fact, drawing her bow with every ounce of strength in her body allows her to strike the force of Gods. As such, said strike pierced Siegfried's chest and sent him flying, head over heels, crashing into several trees. Furthermore, the attack came from so far away that the other servants didn't detect it. An extreme range attack with A rank destructive power that lives no traces of magecraft; the eyesight required to take aim with near zero visibility; and the supreme precision to thread such a needle of an attack. There existed bowmen who could accomplish every single of these feats, but almost none could have possibly accomplished all of them simultaneously.[15]

By reducing the strength of her attacks, she can prioritize its speed by quickly nocking, drawing and releasing her arrows. Although her arrows still travel faster than sound in this state, they are shot down by Chiron, who also possesses immense skill with the bow even surpassing that of Atalanta.[15]


Class Skills

Magic Resistance (D Rank): Nullifies spells that were done in one step (a Single Action). A Magical Resistance of the same degree as an amulet that rejects magical energy.[1][2]

Independent Action (A Rank): One is able to act even with the absence of their Master. However, in a situation where one decides to use Noble Phantasms and the like that requires an enormous amount of Magical Energy to consume, backup from their Master is necessary.[1][2]

Personal Skills

Crossing Arcadia (B Rank): She can move while jumping over every obstacle on the field, including enemies.[1][2] "Arcadia, my far-away homeland, I shall jump stone by stone across the steep mountain range that leads to you."[4]

Aesthetics of the Last Spurt (A Rank): Once an enemy takes the initiative, and after confirming their actions, she can act to anticipate them.[1][2][4] Even in footraces, she always made her opponent run ahead. "Go ahead. I shall pass in front of you afterward like a squall."[4]

Noble Phantasms

By offering a prayer to Artemis and her brother, the Sun God Apollo, Atalanta can perform a powerful Anti-Army Noble Phantasm - Phoebus Catastrophe: "Complaint Message on the Arrow" with her bow.[3] A rain of arrows will fall like a downpour on the next turn, carrying out an attack on all enemies. It is also possible to set the range.[2]

Atalanta also owns Agrius Metamorphosis, a cursed Noble Phantasm where one owns the power of the Monstrous Beast when she wears the pelt. Even though Phoebus Catastrophe is sealed, she can still use a similar attack named Tauroplos: Bow of Heaven. Other than luck, all other parameters are increased. It also grants power equivalent to that of A rank Mad Enhancement and along with an A rank Shapeshift skill, bestowing various characteristics depending on the environment.[1][16] With this Noble Phantasm, Atalanta is able to fight on par with Jeanne d'Arc and even push her to use Luminosité Eternelle to defend herself from Atalanta's Tauropolos: Bow of Heaven. She's ultimately defeated by Achilles, even though his heel had been struck by Chiron, and therefore had already lost his immortality and his speed had been reduced by approximately 70%.[17]

It would normally be impossible for Atalanta to use Agrius Metamorphosis in a regular Holy Grail War, so practically speaking, her only Noble Phantasm is Phoebus Catastrophe.[6] Even if she could actually use it since it is an unmanageable Mad Enhancement-type Noble Phantasm, a Master would have to make Atalanta fight using Phoebus Catastrophe as the focal point in order to actually make proper use of her.[18]