Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

Prime Earth

Ace of Spades's History

As a child, Amos Fortune was the leader of a gang of juvenile delinquents. Later, as an adult, he became obsessed with luck, both good and bad, and discovered the existence of "luck glands" that dictate how a person's luck will run. Upon learning how to control these "luck glands" to manipulate his luck, he gathered his old gang and created the original Royal Flush Gang who battled the Justice League on two occasions. Professor Fortune first met the Justice League trying to remove their "good luck" but was defeated. He remained primarily an enemy of the Justice League, and acted as the leader of the Royal Flush Gang, though he abandoned them soon after.

He later set up the Royal Flush Gang again, making major profits by working with Roulette and her gambling operation. The sent out completely new hands and pips after major museums and casinos. Fortune showed no hesitation to kill his own employees, and he killed several via a kill switch in their gear. After the Justice League foiled his operation, Fortune managed to get away. He escaped to a river boat on the Mississippi, where he was shot at close range by the widow of a discarded card, Two of Clubs.