
Which anime is better monster or death note?

Created by Tahsin, 3 y 10 mo 3 d ago.

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SuperSomebody 3 y 10 mo 3 d
Which anime is better monster or death note?
46 months member
death note is because it is basically a cat and mouse series like Tom and Jerry
UnusOf2029 3 y 10 mo 3 d
Which anime is better monster or death note?
47 months member
I've never watched Monster but Death Note is one of my favorites *Note DN is the only anime I've finished. Every other anime I've watched I've never finished **Okay technically I've finished Dr. Stone but the series has not yet concluded so I'm not really counting it** *
Tahsin 3 y 10 mo 3 d
Which anime is better monster or death note?
50 months member
I think monster is better because of it's characters
Last edited: 3 y 10 mo 3 d ago.