
Top 5 video games

Created by Bluehornet, 5 mo 19 d ago.

Your top 5 Favorite Video Games


pamelavaughton 4 mo 13 h 42 m
Top 5 video games
4 months member
Mortal Kombat always gets my heart racing, and Dead By Daylight? Pure adrenaline rush! But let's talk Battlefront 2 - such an underrated gem, don't you think? The thrill of epic battles in a galaxy far, far away... it's unbeatable. And Fortnite? Well, it's Fortnite – can't deny its massive impact on gaming culture. But you know what surprised me? Robocop Rogue City! Never tried it, but now it's on my radar, thanks to you! Also, speaking of gaming, have you checked out for managing your in-game purchases? I stumbled upon it recently, and it's been a game-changer for keeping track of my online wallet.
Last edited: 3 mo 29 d ago.
Tyrannus 5 mo 8 d
Top 5 video games
64 months member
1. Mortal Kombat
2. Dead By Daylight
3. Battlefront 2
4. Fortnite
5. Robocop Rouge City
MoNsTeR 5 mo 15 d
Top 5 video games
51 months member
1. Red Dead Redemption 2
2. God Of War 2018
3. Ghost Of Tsushima
4. Last Of Us 1
5. Resident Evil 4 (Original)