
Top 10 Best: Star Wars Movie Trilogy Duelists

Created by Bane333, 4 y 10 mo 8 d ago.

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Pedrof 3 y 9 mo 17 d
Top 10 Best: Star Wars Movie Trilogy Duelists
57 months member
This is the only canon otherwise Luke would be at the beginning of the list, as he fights quadrillion times faster than light.
1. Yoda
2. Darth Sidious
3. Obi-Wan
4. Anakin Skywalker
5. Darth Vader
6. Count Dooku
7. Mace Windu
8. Luke Skyawalker
DeanDinosaur6 4 y 10 mo 7 d
Top 10 Best: Star Wars Movie Trilogy Duelists
82 months member
1. Yoda
2. Mace Windu
3. Darth Sidious
4. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
5. Count Dooku
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi
7. Darth Maul
8. Kit Fisto
9. Plo Koon
10. Shaak Ti
Honorable Mentions: Ki Adi Mundi, Luke Skywalker, Qui Gon Jinn
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Bane333 4 y 10 mo 7 d
Top 10 Best: Star Wars Movie Trilogy Duelists
69 months member
I forgot about Plo Koon being in the Movie Trilogy's.