
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)

Created by Rajneesh26477gmailcom, 5 mo 22 d ago.

A new thread for all the characters which are kinda underrated or gets much hate.
Please start the thread by writing the name first and feats in the reply box.
Try not posting a picture of the character and mention the universe of the character.

Previous Topic: Respect Threads


Walid27 1 mo 3 d
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
23 months member
Peter Griffin
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Walid27 1 mo 22 h 7 m
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
23 months member
Withstood the force of a large falling rock with the use of a tiny umbrella

Comparable to Lois who literally throwed a ball to king of the hill universe

Accidentally tipped over a bar just by leaning on it

Comparable to Consuela who lifted the Griffin household

Peter and Ernie tank a collision into a building

Surviving a plane crash

Peter and the chicken tank an explosion from a space ship colliding with an oil rig

They also blew up a space station

Peter and the chicken tank an explosion in a metal ball

He literally took a punch from God in the balls

The God that Peter mentioned created everything out of fart

This hit is between 5000-100000 universes that peter took
Can touch Death without suffering any issues

Not to mention falling from great heights and walking away without any scratch or pain

Comparable to Stewie who can dodge point-blank shotgun shots

sometimes he is comparable to meg who is revealed to be an x-men


Regeneration & Immortality & Ressuraction: He can regenerate, and knowingly use it to grow lost body parts
Came back after getting decapitated twice

Had his head melted off, save for his skull, and was only concerned about his shirt being wet

Came back after snapping his own neck

Duplication & Cloning:

BFR: Summoned "otherworldly" spirits to send Joe away

Flight: Can use the cutaways to fly

And sometimes with the use of technical devices


Biokinesis: Can change his skin color. Could somehow fit himself inside his fridge

Turn into a bal

Shed his skin like a snake

Gravity Manipulation:

Teleportation: 05:05

Time Manipulation:
Can stop time

Rewind time
Death Manipulation: via touching people/ Can touch Death without suffering any issues

Demon physiology & Hellfire manipulation:

Size & Age manipulation:

Power mimicry: Can turn into any superhero he wants like Superman, Hulk, Wolverine, Wonder Woman...

Physics manipulation:

Truth manipulation & Phasing:

Dimensional travel
Last edited: 1 mo 21 h 39 m ago.
Walid27 1 mo 21 h 32 m
Respect Threads 2 (Read the Description before posting)
23 months member
Peter did a lot silly thing but ridiculously powerful, like:
He has transcended his existence into the sixth dimension making him a low level and multiverse

Destroyed the universe and somehow he survived, also count as Causality Manipulation

Wishing & Truth manipulation: 03:00

Existence erasure also cusality manipulation:

Affecting reality: 03:20

Plot manipulation: does it a lot via cutaways

And fully Fourth Wall Awareness