

Star Ratings set by LadyGaladriel1212

LadyGaladriel1212 has rated 721 profiles and pages. With an average of 6.5 stars.

Rating Profile / Page
Image 52085
The Chosen One - vs - Team Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos)
One Above All - vs - The Presence
Dracula (Castlevania) - vs - Kaziklu Bey (Masadaverse)
Image 37963
Stan Lee - vs - Almighty Creator
Homelander (The Boys 2019) - vs - Vecna (Stranger Things)
Batman - vs - Zatanna
Image 51829
Thanos (MCU) - vs - Scarlet Witch (MCU)
Darth Vader - vs - Rey Palpatine (Power Of All The Jedi)
Darth Sidious - vs - Rey Palpatine (Power Of All The Jedi)
Darth Sidious - vs - Lord Voldemort
Steppenwolf (DCEU) - vs - Team Scarlet Witch (MCU)
Scarlet Witch (MCU) - vs - Hela (MCU)
Darth Vader - vs - Infinite (Sonic)
Smaug (Tolkien Legendarium) - vs - Sauron (Third Age)
Image 2979
Team Luke Skywalker - vs - Team Hulk (MCU)
Team Captain America (MCU) - vs - Team Luke Skywalker
Overvoid - vs - Eru Ilúvatar
Hulk - vs - Thor
Beyonder (Pre-Retcon) - vs - Mandrakk (DM)
Eru Ilúvatar - vs - Almighty Creator
Almighty Creator - vs - The Architect
Doctor Eggman (Sonic) - vs - Doctor Eggman (Pre-Wave) (Archieverse)
Paul Blart - vs - Forrest Gump
Luke Skywalker - vs - Yoda
Darth Vader - vs - Yoda
Darkseid - vs - Odin
Gandalf - vs - Fingolfin
Tangle (Sonic) - vs - Whisper (Sonic)
Luke Skywalker - vs - Harry Potter
Sam Winchester (Supernatural) & Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - vs - Vecna (Stranger Things)
Image 51840
Michael Demiurgos - vs - Manwë (True Form)
Sabretooth - vs - Diego (Ice Age)
The One-Above-All - vs - Eru Ilúvatar
Power Girl - vs - Jack-Jack (Incredibles)
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos)