
I Want my Battles in the top Battles!!!

Created by BlotskyA, 4 y 8 mo 22 d ago.

Everyone! Listen up! I Want some of my Battles to get in to the top battles so Please Vote on my Battles Now here are some you can vote on Thor vs Iron Patriot, Superboy Prime vs Space Punisher Hulk, Daredevil vs Sentry Etc


BlotskyA 4 y 8 mo 21 d
I Want my Battles in the top Battles!!!
60 months member
Here are some of them
Last edited: 4 y 8 mo 20 d ago.
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Galactus 4 y 8 mo 21 d
I Want my Battles in the top Battles!!!
8+ year member
If you click 'Help', it shows you how to create working links. ;)
Galactus 4 y 8 mo 22 d
I Want my Battles in the top Battles!!!
8+ year member
It would have helped if you added some links, make it easier for everyone to actually vote on these battles.