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30 months member
Team Master Chief (Halo) Anu and Eru Solos.
0 months member
Ok This is The Proof which how I've Seen Superman and how he is the most powerful in The DCEU Verse in my opinion:
- Extreme Invulnerability,
- A LOT of Resistances to many other Super Powers,
- Strength can Break Anything,
- Untouchable Reflexes,
- Got Power from The Sun which is really easy to do,
- VERY Fast Hits, Punches, Kicks, & Blows,
- He doesn't let his enemy get a chance to attack him, (Sometimes)
- Can Get His Powers back in 5 Minutes after getting affected by Kryptonite,
- Can Definitely be Unaffected when another Hero/Villain Freezes Time, Like How The Flash tried doing this in ZSJL for example,
- His Powers have The Most Powerful Damage in The DCEU verse,
- VERY Fast Flight,
- And The More He Defeats an Enemy The Quicker He Defeats Other Enemies.
Last edited: 3 m ago.
30 months member
Team The Presence everyone solos.