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8 months member
Neutral Tbh It's good, i myself use chat gpt for ideas too
26 months member
not voted @Salen1110 Oc

Tier 2: The Celestial Realms

Description: The Celestial Realms are a collection of infinite, parallel universes, each governed by its own set of physical laws.
Inhabitants: The Archons, powerful deities who oversee the functioning of their respective universes. They are vastly superior to any mortal or lesser deity.
Feats: Archons can reshape entire universes, control cosmic forces, and exist simultaneously across multiple planes of reality.

Classification: 2-B (Multiverse Level)
Abilities: The Harbinger of Shadows can manipulate multiple realms, create pocket dimensions, and has influence across a countably infinite number of universes.
Feats: He has battled and held his own against powerful beings from the Netherworlds, orchestrated the fall of civilizations, and created entire domains within the Netherworlds.

🫡yes it’s chat gpt
Last edited: 27 m ago.
8 months member
Neutral @yes Which character are you referring lucifer or oc?