Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53815 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Ghost RiderClint BartonEarth-616
- Ghost RiderJane FosterEarth-616
- Ghost RiderKenshiro CochraneEarth-TRN590
- Ghost RiderDaniel KetchEarth-973
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeMAU
- Ghost RiderZarathosEarth-973
- Ghost RiderJohnny Blaze
- Ghost RiderJohnathon BlazeEarth-13178
- Ghost RiderSteve RogersEarth-616
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-37072
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-15513
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-1610
- Ghost RiderKenshiro CochraneEarth-8101
- Ghost Rider (1,000 AD)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (1,000,000 B.C.)GhostEarth-616
- Ghost Rider (Celestial body)Robbie ReyesEarth-616
- Ghost Rider (Cowboy)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Devil Rig)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Druid)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Frontier Era)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Hell Hammer)Johnny BlazeEarth-616
- Ghost Rider (King Of Hell)Johnny BlazeEarth-616
- Ghost Rider (Maori)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Matador)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Ninja)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Philistine)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Phoenix Force)Johnny BlazeEarth-616
- Ghost Rider (Russian)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Samburu)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Samurai)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Shark Rider)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Spring-Heeled Jack)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Struwwelpeter)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Texas Ranger)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Undead G-Man)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Union Soldier)Earth-616
- Ghost Rider (Venomized)Robbie Reyes
- Ghost Rider (Zarathos' Power)Johnny Blaze
- Ghost RoasterOlavSkylanders
- Ghost RoninMusashi MiyamotoMCU?
- Ghost RunnerJohnathon BlazeEarth-TRN852
- Ghost SpiderMAU
- Ghost SpiderPeter ParkerEarth-11638
- Ghost WriterEarth-9047
- Ghost-MakerMinhkhoa KhanRebirth
- Ghost-Rider-ManEarth-617
- Ghost-SpiderGwen StacyEarth-65
- Ghost-SpiderGwen StacyEarth-TRN888
- Ghostflame DragonThe Elden Ring
- Ghoth The BurrowerGhoth The BurrowerCthulhu Mythos
- Ghoulia YelpsMHU
- Ghoulia YelpsMHU
- Ghr'llNew Earth
- GI Bunker (WW2)Vernon CarterSotM
- Gi-HovegGi-HovegExpanded Cthulhu Mythos
- Gia WhitechapelEarth-616
- Gialetta NefariaEarth-90214
- Giant Aquatic AmoebaMorpha
- Giant BatG:TS
- Giant Coroprus Of KnowledgeSelf-Reference ENGINE
- Giant GodGods' Games We Play
- Giant JellyfishNew Earth
- Giant ManHenry PymEarth-938
- Giant Of Living StoneStar Wars
- Giant ShigandangWukong
- Giant Stone Warrior
- Giant TurtleG:TS
- Giant WomanMiza/Iwaza/KikazaDB
- Giant-ManHank PymEarth-616
- Giant-ManHenry PymEarth-6160
- Giant-ManHank PymEarth-3488
- Giant-ManHenry PymEarth-1610
- Giant-ManScott LangMCU
- Giant-ManHenry PymEarth-9411
- Giant-ManRaz MalhotraEarth-616
- Giant-ManHenry PymEarth-10011
- Giant-ManHank PymEarth-2149
- Giant-Man (Skrull)Earth-616
- Giant-Man IIEarth-616
- Gichin FunakoshiBaki
- Gideon Gleeful"Lil'" Gideon Charles GleefulGravity Falls
- Gideon GravesGideon Gordon Graves
- Gideon Jura (Post-Mending)Kytheon IoraMtG
- Gideon LoughlinSupernatural
- Gideon MaceEarth-616
- Gideon MalickGideon MalickMCU
- Gideon PrewettWizarding World
- Gif Of The Barton Springs PoolBrykhonPJO
- Giga BowserKing Bowser KoopaMario
- Gigan MilesGiganToho
- Gigan RexGiganToho
- Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi (The Embryo)Gigant: Take-MikazuchiBlazBlue
- Gigi GrantMHU
- Gigi GrantMHU
- Gigi GrantMHU
- Gigi GrantMHU
- Gil-galadEä
- Gilbert BougainvilleaViolet Evergarden
- Gilbert F. AltsteinBBB
- Gilbert NightrayGilbert NightrayPH
- Gilbert RossB:TB
- Gildarts CliveGildarts CliveFairy Tail
- Gilded SaintEarth-616
- Gilderoy LockhartWizarding World
- Gill GruntSkylanders
- Gilles Le BrettonWF
- Gillian B. LoebCommissioner Loeb
- Gillington WebberMHU
- Gilman The BlowfishGilman
- Gilysiris DelloMGNF
- Gimmy AdaiGurren Lagann
- Gin Genie
- Gin IchimaruGin IchimaruBleach
- Gina BarkGFT
- Gina CaranoGina CaranoLegends
- Gina CrossHalf-Life
- Gina DickinsonGod Eater
- Gina HemphillGina HemphillBig Nate
- Gina PaulkleeGangsta
- Ginei MoriokaR+V
- Ginger KnowlesSwordfish
- Ginger LopezGinger LopezArchieverse
- Ginji MatsuzakiBlack Lagoon
- Ginko HoshikageLupin III
- Ginna BizenGinna BizenMSNS
- Ginny WeasleyGinny Weasley PotterWizarding World
- Ginny Weasley (Books)Ginevra Molly WeasleyWizarding World
- Ginpei MoroboshiNana
- Ginshi ShirazuGinshi ShirazuTokyo Ghoul
- Ginshiro ToyamaDetective Conan
- Gintoki SakataGintama
- Ginzan TetsuyamaUEK
- Gin_GRBloodshot
- Giorno GiovannaJumpForce
- Giorno GiovannaHaruno ShiobanaJJBA
- Gipsy AvengerGipsy AvengerPacific Rim
- Gipsy DangerGipsy DangerPacific Rim
- Giratina (Altered Form)GiratinaPokemon
- Giraud Of HavenGiraud
- Giriko KutsuzawaGiriko KutsuzawaBleach
- Girl PowerKamala KhanEarth-TRN852
- Gisele YasharF&F
- Giselle CutterArrowverse
- Giselle GewelleGiselle GewelleBleach
- Gisen YagyuSamurai Girls
- Git HoskinsEarth-616
- Giulietta CapecchiCriminal Case
- Giulio GandiniMHA
- Giyu TomiokaGiyu TomiokaDemon Slayer
- Gladiator HulkBruce BannerEarth-616
- Gladiator Silver SurferNorrin RaddEarth-616
- Gladiolus AmicitiaGladiolus AmicitiaFF XV
- Glamrock FreddyFreddyFNAF
- Glen BaskervilleOswaldPH
- Glenn AriasGlenn AriasResident Evil
- Glenn QuagmireFamily Guy
- Glenn RadarsAROBMI
- Glenn RheeGlenn RheeTWD
- Glenn TalbotEarth-616
- Glinda The GoodGalinda UplandWicked24
- Glissa the TraitorGlissa SunseekerMtG
- Glob HormanRobert HermanEarth-616
- Global GuardianAU
- Gloink QueenThe Amazing Digital Circus
- Gloria HayesCriminal Case
- Gloria MartinezCyberpunk 2077
- Gloria MoralesGloria MoralesEarth-TRN888
- Gloria PyneGloria PyneTWD
- Gloria TylerYu-Gi-Oh!
- Glorianna SilverEarth-616
- Glorious GodfreyNew Earth
- Glory GrantGloria GrantEarth-20023
- Glory Of The First CircleVertigo
- Glossu RabbanGlossu Rabban HarkonnenDune 2021
- Glyanna Of P'luhnnGlyannaNew Earth
- Gnarly GnomeMMPR
- Gnoph-kehGnoph-kehCthulhu Mythos
- Go GamdoGOH
- Go Go TomagoBH6
- Go Go TomagoLeiko Tanaka
- Go GunheeSLU
- Go KazamatsuriKsliw
- Go KogaBleach
- Go OnizukaYu-Gi-Oh!
- Gobber The BelchHTTYD
- Goblin By NightNorman RussellWarp World
- Goblin ForceEarth-1298
- Goblin KingNorman OsbornMAU
- Goblin King (Infinity Gauntlet)Norman OsbornEarth-14154
- Goblin NoirNorman OsbornEarth-616
- Goblin QueenOlivia
- Goblin QueenMadelyne Jennifer PryorEarth-616
- Goblin QueenMadelyne PryorEarth-91240
- Goblin QueenMadelyne PryorEarth-1298
- Goblin QueenMadelyne PryorEarth-92131
- Goblin Queen (Goblin force)Madelyne Jennifer PryorEarth-1298
- Goblin Queen (Ruler of limbo)Madelyne Jennifer PryorEarth-616
- Goblin SlayerGoblin Slayer
- Goblin-GwenGwendolyn Stacy
- God Emperor DoomVictor Von DoomEarth-616
- God EnelEnelOP
- God Eva Unit-01Shinji IkariNGE
- God In BlackThor OdinsonEarth-616
- God Jasmine
- God JohnsonEarl JohnsonEMCU
- God Mountain
- God Of AnimalsHeroAW
- God Of ChaosNyaalAtlas Fallen
- God Of DarknessRWBY
- God Of HammersEarth-616
- God Of LightRWBY
- God of Light/Captain UniverseEddie BrockEarth-616
- God Of River AchelousAchelousPJO
- God Of River AcheronAcheronPJO
- God Of River CocytusCocytusPJO
- God Of River PhlegethonPhlegethonPJO
- God Of The River ElissonElissonPJO
- God Of The River Peneus/PineiosPeneusPJO
- God Of The TalonMa'kanntaEarth-616
- God Of The TiberTiberinusPJO
- God RugalRugal BernsteinKOF
- God SerenaFairy Tail
- God SpawnAl SimmonsSpawn
- God Tempest
- God The Bounty HunterGhosted
- God Wind
- God Yeorin
- God-Butcher CarnageCarnage IVEarth-616
- God-Eye GalateaGalateaClaymore
- God-King Darius (Chaos and Order)DariusLoLAU
- God-King Garen (Chaos and Order)Garen CrownguardLoLAU
- God-ManMilton Baxter
- Goddess EliatropeWakfu
- Goddess Of All CreationCharlotte Richards, MumArrowverse
- Goddess Of All Creation (TV show canon)LTS
- Goddess Of DeathHelaEarth-TRN885
- Goddess Of EarthCharmed
- Goddess Of FertilityIsisNew Earth
- Goddess Of NightNox
- Goddess Of RevengeNemesis
- Goddess Of ThunderOroro MunroeEarth-904
- Goddess Of WarDiana PrincePrime Earth
- Godkiller ArmorEarth-616
- Godou KusanagiCampione!
- Godric GryffindorWizarding World
- Godrick The GraftedGodrickThe Elden Ring
- Gods Of RagnarokDoctor Who
- Godwyn The GoldenThe Elden Ring
- Godzilla Earth (Anigoji)GojiraToho
- Godzilla Junior (Heisei)Gojira JuniorToho
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