Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53948 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Gaz MembraneInvader Zim
- Gazef StronoffGazef StronoffOverlord
- Gazing NightshadeEarth-616
- Gōki ZenjōK
- GöndulRecord Of Ragnarok
- GÖLLRecord Of Ragnarok
- Ge'elsWitcher
- Gecko MoriaOP
- Geena Drake
- Geese HowardTekken
- Geese HowardGeese HowardKOF
- GeirölulRecord Of Ragnarok
- GeirskögulGeirskögulNasuverse
- Geist GraceGeist GraceBS
- Gekk?Senran Kagura
- Gellert GrindelwaldGellert GrindelwaldWizarding World
- Gemini Abel
- Gemini Aspros
- Gemini KanonGemini KanonSaint Seiya
- Gemini SagaSaint Seiya
- Gemini VMadison JeffriesEarth-616
- Gemma MastersVertigo
- Gen AsagiriDr. Stone
- Gen FuDOA
- Gen NarumiKaiju No. 8
- Gen ShiotsuK
- Genber DiodeJumbor
- Gendo KoidemizuDesert Punk
- Gene WormGene WormHalf-Life
- General AcidicusAcidicusNinjago
- General AlcesMonster Legends
- General AlexanderRichard AlexanderEarth-31916
- General AmericaSteve RogersEarth-717
- General AntiopeAntiopePrime Earth
- General Arkady Grigorovich OurumovJames Bond
- General AtumMonster Legends
- General BaalGrandia
- General BastMoradmin BastStar Wars
- General BlanqueTMNT 2003
- General BlueDB
- General BoizeBoizeSWL
- General Budo (Adramelech)GudoAGK
- General ChacalChacalRebirth
- General ChangChangStar Trek
- General ChingJun ChingEarth-9907
- General ColtonJoe ColtonG.I Joe Film
- General ColtonJoseph B. ColtonG.I. Joe
- General Cryptor (General Cryptor)CryptorNinjago
- General DarmithMonster Legends
- General DassyneOro DassyneSWL
- General Diane BeckmanDiane BeckmanChuck
- General EilingWade EilingNew Earth
- General EilingWade EilingDCAU
- General EilingWade EilingArrowverse
- General EnnodiusEnnodiusSWL
- General FallonJTGS
- General FangtomFangtomNinjago
- General GaskellVHDN
- General Georgi KoskovJames Bond
- General Golden TridentGolden Horn KingNew Earth
- General GraiseGraiseSWL
- General GrievousGeneral GrievousLEGO Star Wars
- General GrievousStar Wars
- General GrievousQymaen Jai SheelalSWL
- General HanFist Of The North Star
- General HeinrichHeinrichIndiana Jones
- General HolterMonster Legends
- General HuggsCknd
- General HuxArmitage HuxStar Wars
- General ImmortusNew Earth
- General IngvarMonster Legends
- General JarjayesThe Rose Of Versailles
- General KaiserGeneral KaiserFist Of The North Star
- General KordaxNew Earth
- General KorraBrant KorraSWL
- General KozuKozuNinjago
- General KreggInvincible
- General KreggKreggAmazon Invincible
- General KristChak KristSWL
- General LaneSamuel LaneAU
- General LathamJack LathamNew Earth
- General M. BisonSF94
- General MedranoLuiz MedranoJames Bond
- General MiuraMiuraIM
- General ModulaModulaSym-Bionic Titan
- General MolockTrech MolockStar Wars
- General NishantMonster Legends
- General OrlovJames Bond
- General PhillipsChester Richard PhillipsEarth-616
- General RholarStromgald RholarSWL
- General RilldoDB
- General RoederRoederMCU
- General RomodiHurst RomodiStar Wars
- General RossThaddeus RossEarth-8107
- General RzorHSP
- General Sam LaneSamuel LaneNew Earth
- General ScalesScales
- General SchlossbergAnton SchlossbergIndiana Jones
- General ShannaraMonster Legends
- General ShaoMKNT
- General ShepherdLieutenant General ShepherdCoD
- General Silver TridentSilver Horn KingNew Earth
- General SinanKehel SinanSWL
- General SkalesSkalesNinjago
- General SkalidorSkalidorNinjago
- General SkarrGrim Adventures
- General StrangeStephen StrangeEarth-616
- General SunderlandAvery SunderlandNew Earth
- General TamuraSekiro
- General TazriTazriMtG
- General ThetysMonster Legends
- General TsaoSly Cooper
- General TulliusTES
- General UriaMonster Legends
- General VexVex
- General Von RaddelErnst Focke-Wulf Von RaddelNew Earth
- General WallerAmanda WallerEarth 118
- General WhiteDB
- General YakitoriRobotboy
- General ZahlZahlNew Earth
- General ZakharovEarth-616
- General ZodDru-ZodDCEU
- General ZodDru-ZodNew Earth
- General ZodDru-ZodDonnerverse
- General ZodDru-ZodSmallville
- General ZodDru-ZodPrime Earth
- General ZodDru-ZodInjustice
- General ZodDru-ZodEarth 96
- General ZodDru-ZodDCAU
- General ZodDru ZodRebirth
- General ZodDru-ZodDCU
- General ZodDru-ZodTT
- Generator RexRex SalazarGenerator Rex
- Generator Rex (Merge with upgrade)Rex SalazarGenerator Rex
- Generator Rex (Meta-Nanite)Rex SalazarGenerator Rex
- Generator Rex (Omega-EVO Form)Rex SalazarGenerator Rex
- Generator Rex (Reboot)Rex SalazarGenerator Rex
- Genesis DragonoidBakugan
- Genesis FrogMSPA
- Genesis Omega DragonYu-Gi-Oh!
- Genesis RhapsodosGenesis RhapsodosFF VII
- Genevieve SavidgeBuffy
- Gengetsu HōzukiHōzuki GengetsuNaruto
- Genghis CarnageKick-Ass
- Genghis CarnageKick-Ass 2010
- Genghis KhanTemujinEarth-616
- Genichiro AshinaGenichiro AshinaSekiro
- Genis-VellEarth-616
- Genius JonesJohn JonesNew Earth
- Genji KagutsuK
- Genji KamogawaHajime No Ippo
- Genji RonoueUmineko Verse
- Genjo TagamiTomodachi Game
- Genju YoshidaGenju YoshidaEarth-8107
- Genki SanbanCknd
- Genma SaotomeGenma SaotomeRanma
- Genma ShiranuiNaruto
- Genma TodorokiFB
- Genn GreymaneWarcraft
- Genpaku SugitaRecord Of Ragnarok
- Genta KojimaDetective Conan
- Gentle CriminalDanjuro TobitaMHA
- Gentle Heart LambCare Bears
- Gentle ManJulianNew Earth
- Gentleman GhostJames CraddockNew Earth
- Gentoku RyuubiIkki Tousen
- Genya ArikadoCastlevania
- Genya ShinazugawaDemon Slayer
- Genzan TairaKenganverse
- Geo MetroGeo MetroMKR
- Geo-ForceBrion MarkovNew Earth
- Geo-ForceBrion MarkovYoung Justice
- Geo-forceBrian MarkovRebirth
- Geordi La ForgeGeordi La ForgeStar Trek
- Georg PrimeGeorg PrimeSuikoden
- George ChambersUndisputed
- George DeckertXXX
- George ForemanBaki
- George ForemanLegends
- George HarmanBaki
- George JetsonJetsons
- George Joestar II (Novel)JJBA
- George KirkStar Trek Kelvin
- George LestradeMoriarty The Patriot
- George LockwoodVD
- George MathisonMaetheronCriminal Case
- George SairasDeath Note
- George StacyEarth-616
- George StacyTASM
- George StacyGeorge StacyEarth-TRN888
- George StobbartGeorge StobbartBroken Sword
- George The ApeGeorgeRampage
- George UshiromiyaUmineko Verse
- George WeasleyGeorge WeasleyWizarding World
- George Weasley (Books)George Gideon WeasleyWizarding World
- Georgia SivanaEarth-5
- Georgiana SnowGeorgiana SnowNew Earth
- Georgina DowlingVD
- Georgina DowlingVD
- Gerad AzlemaMGNF
- Gerald DrewEarth-616
- Gerald Robotnik
- Gerard BieriHorizon
- Gerard GardnerNew Earth
- Gerard ValkyrieBleach
- Gerhard Von StegerLOGH
- Gerold DarkstarGerold DaynePlanetos
- Gerold The White BullGerold HightowerPlanetos
- Gerrard CapashenGerrard CapashenMtG
- Gerry DrewGerald DrewEarth-8
- Gerry LaneWWZ
- Gerry StrydumBaki
- Getaway GeniusRoy ReynoldsNew Earth
- Getter EmperorGetter Emperor
- Geum Dan-YeopLOTNB
- Geyadrone Dihada (Post-Mending)Geyadrone DihadaMtG
- Geyadrone Dihada (Pre-Mending)Geyadrone DihadaMtG
- Ggio VegaGgio VegaBleach
- Ghal TarpfenGhal TarpfenStar Wars
- Ghan-buri-GhanGhân-buri-GhânEä
- Gharun SetGenerator Rex
- Ghia'taPrincess Ghia'taGLTAS
- Ghost DevilChainsaw Man
- Ghost FistNew Earth
- Ghost Fox KillerNew Earth
- Ghost GirlWendy HuntEarth-616
- Ghost GoblinNorman OsbornEarth-45863
- Ghost Godzilla (GMK)GojiraToho
- Ghost HammerT'Challa OdinsonWarp World
- Ghost KozukaYu-Gi-Oh!
- Ghost Of Captain CutlerScooby-Doo
- Ghost Of High HeartPlanetos
- Ghost Of Zen TuoScooby-Doo
- Ghost PantherOroro MunroeEarth-161
- Ghost PantherT'challaWarp World
- Ghost ReconScott Mitchell
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-616
- Ghost RiderKenshiro CochraneEarth-928
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeMCOC
- Ghost RiderNoble KaleEarth-616
- Ghost RiderAlejandra JonesEarth-616
- Ghost RiderRobert BlackthorneEarth-1610
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-11326
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeGhost Rider
- Ghost RiderTeen Wolf
- Ghost RiderRoberto ReyesEarth-13178
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeMCU
- Ghost RiderJohnny BlazeEarth-2301
- Ghost RiderRobbie ReyesMCU
- Ghost RiderKnuckles O'ShaugnessyEarth-616
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