Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53863 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Fantas-MPrime Earth
- Fantastic LadJimmy RichardsEarth-9602
- Fantômas
- Fantom Of The FairGravestone
- Fantomex 5JohnEarth-20368
- Faraday The ElectrolyzerMonster Legends
- Farengar Secret-FireTES
- Farfetch'dFarfetch'dPokemon
- Faris NyanNyanSteins;Gate
- Farmer (With Shotgun)FarmerDB
- Farmer AngelSupernatural
- Farmer BrownEnoch BrownDCAU
- Farmer BrownDCAU
- Farmer McGintyMcGintyArchieverse
- Farseer MachaWarhammer 40K
- Faser TitanBakugan
- Fast FowardRCMU
- Fast TonyIce Age
- Fat BastardStuart HopeAustin Powers
- Fat CobraEarth-616
- Fat CobraEarth-1226
- Fat GumTaishir? ToyomitsuMHA
- Fat MarvelEarth-5
- Fat ThorThor OdinsonMCU
- Fate AshleySTTW
- Fate GraphiteBoG
- Fate MackenzieSTTW
- Fate ParisSTTW
- Father BalderBalderBayonetta
- Father Blackwood (Netflix)Faustus Blackwood
- Father DayAdam DayNew Earth
- Father DiabloDiabloEarth-616
- Father Donald CallahanDonald Callahan
- Father FujimotoShiro Fujimoto
- Father GascoigneBloodborne
- Father GomezTerrance GomezF:TWS
- Father GrigoriGrigoriHalf-Life
- Father KinleyWilliam KinleyEMCU
- Father LlymicFather LlymicDnD
- Father MaloryJacob MaloryMaximum Press
- Father Of All WorldsEarth-616
- Father Of The AbyssManusDark Souls
- Father Of UltraUltraman KenUSU
- Father Of VampiresJudas IscariotArchieverse
- Father PikeEarth-616
- Father PyrligTLK
- Father RodinRodinBayonetta
- Father SpiderEarth-616
- Father TimeFather TimeNew Earth
- Father TimeRegular Show
- Father TimeEarth-616
- Fatima BlushFatima BlushJames Bond
- Fault ZoneMaria PetrovaEarth-616
- Fauna Jungle GirlFauna Hart
- Faust OrbatosABF
- Fay Theo PhilusGods' Games We Play
- Faye KimFaye KimBastard
- Faye ValentineFaye ValentineCB
- Fayt LeingodFayt LeingodStar Ocean
- FélixFélix MadrigalEncanto
- FūNaruto
- FëanorTolkienverse
- FūkaFūka UzumakiNaruto
- Fūka KiryūinCOTE
- Fūko KirisawaFūko KirisawaFoR
- Fear TeacherEarth-616
- Featherine Augustus AuroraFeatherine Augustus AuroraUmineko Verse
- Feathers McGrawW&G
- Feek The Freak
- Fei Fong WongFei Fong WongXenogears
- Fei LongStreet Fighter
- Fei RinAnarchy Reigns
- Fei RuneInazuma Eleven
- Fei-Hong HuangR+V
- Feitan PortorHXH
- Felice UllmannDeus Ex
- Felicia HardyFelicia HardyEarth-6160
- Felicia The CatwomanFeliciaDarkstalkers
- Felicity ShagwellFelicity ShagwellAustin Powers
- Felicity SmoakFelicity SmoakArrowverse
- Feline DionTotally Spies
- Felix FaustFelix FaustDCAU
- Felix FaustDCUAOM
- Felix FaustArrowverse
- Felix FaustFelix FaustPrime Earth
- Felix FaustEarth-40
- Felix FaustDekan DracheNew Earth
- Felix GaetaBG
- Felix JaegerWF
- Felix LeiterFelix LeiterJames Bond
- Felix ReedCriminal Case
- Felix RichterDBD
- Felix The Cat
- Fell BeastEä
- Female ChangelingStar Trek
- Female KnightGoblin Slayer
- Female Of The Species
- Female TitanAnnie LeonhartAOT
- Female WarriorGoblin Slayer
- Female WhitespikeTomorrow War
- Female WizardGoblin Slayer
- Feng WeiTekken
- Feng Wu QingFeng Yang Ming1/2 Prince
- Feng-Tail GeneralWukong
- Fenix CalderonF&F
- Fenix EspejoHellboy
- Fenn RauFenn RauStar Wars
- Fennec ShandFennec ShandStar Wars
- Fenrir GreybackWizarding World
- Fenris WolfFenrisEarth-TRN885
- Fenris WolfEarth-13178
- Fenris WolfEarth-TRN855
- Fer-de-LanceTeresa VasquezEarth-616
- Ferb FletcherFerb FletcherPhineas And Ferb
- Ferene The OtherFereneEarth-616
- Feria ShenNaraka
- Ferid BathorySotE
- Fernando SucreTPB
- Ferra/TorrFerra & TorrMK
- Ferro LadNew Earth
- Ferrus ManusFerrus ManusWarhammer 40K
- Fever PitchEarth-616
- Feyd-Rautha HarkonnenFeyd-Rautha HarkonnenDune 2021
- Fiamma Of The RightUh? No FianmaToaru Universe
- Fiddler's GreenVertigo
- Fiddler's GreenSandman
- Fidel CamuzeFidel CamuzeStar Ocean
- Field Commander AlozenAlozenSWL
- Fiery-IcerFiery-IcerNew Earth
- Fifth BrotherStar Wars
- Fifty SueSusan LangFutures End
- Fifty-OneEarth-616
- Fifty-One (Hydra Supreme Armor)Earth-616
- Fig KeeleBethany KeeleVertigo
- Figarland GarlingOP
- Fighting SpiritCarol CarterEarth-ABC
- Fighting YankBruce Carter III
- Figment GirlEarth-29
- Fili-SecondPinkie PieMLP
- Film FreakNew Earth
- Fin Fang FlameEarth-9602
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-616
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-90214
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-TRN912
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-14412
- Fin Fang FoomMAU
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-21923
- Fin Fang FoomEarth-19121
- Fin Man MonstroEarth-616
- Final Boss Veigar (Arcadia)VeigarLoLAU
- Final Getsuga TenshōIchigo KurosakiBleach
- Finch TarrayoVD
- Findorr CaliusFindorr CaliusBleach
- Finger BearerJJK
- Finger Maiden TherolinaThe Elden Ring
- Finis ValorumStar Wars
- Finli O'Tego
- Finn BalorFergal Devitt
- Finn McMissileCars
- Finn MikaelsonVD
- Finn Mikaelson (Witch)VD
- Finn the HumanFinn MertensAT
- Finn The HumanMultiVersus
- Finn The Human (Comic)AT
- Finnick OdairHG
- Finnigan SinisterFinnigan Rapunzel SinisterJD
- Finral RoulacaseFinral RoulacaseBC
- FinwëTolkienverse
- Fio GermiFiolina GermiMS
- Fiona FrostSpy X Family
- Fiona GoodeAhs
- Fiona StarrSerious Sam
- Fiona VolpeJames Bond
- Fiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaNasuverse
- Fire BeastTolomaqEarth-616
- Fire BreathingKing Dodongo
- Fire DevilChainsaw Man
- Fire DragonMCU
- Fire ElementalMCU
- Fire ElementalSlugterra
- Fire ElementorMax Steel
- Fire EmblemNathan SeymourT&B
- Fire Fist AcePortgas D. AceOP
- Fire GiantThe Elden Ring
- Fire GiantPrimal
- Fire God Liu KangLiu KangMK
- Fire JadeLady EmeraldNew Earth
- Fire KeeperDark Souls
- Fire KnivesEarth-616
- Fire LadStaq MavlenNew Earth
- Fire LordOzaiAvatar
- Fire Lord OzaiOzaiAvatar 2024
- Fire Lord SozinSozinAvatar 2024
- Fire MonsterEarth-8107
- Fire MonsterG:TS
- Fire OuroborosFire OuroborosAWLBA
- Fire ScorpionBakugan
- Fire ScorpionBakugan
- Fire SpiritEarth-7082
- Fire Spirit CookieCRK
- Fire VampireFthagguaCthulhu Mythos
- Fire-breatherStar Wars
- Firebrand IIDanette ReillyNew Earth
- Firebug (Alpha Flight Verse)
- Firenze The CentaurWizarding World
- Fireworks ManNew Earth
- First BornPrime Earth
- First Elden LordGodfreyThe Elden Ring
- First EvilBuffy
- First FallenEarth-616
- First KnifeEarth-1610
- First LanternVolthoomRebirth
- First Of The FallenVertigo
- First Of The FallenRebirth
- First Of The FallenArrowverse
- First Spinjitzu MasterNinjago
- Fish EyeFish EyeSailor Moon
- Fish GuyMask
- Fish MooneyMaria Mercedes MooneyNew Earth
- Fisher GeshaCradle
- Fisher KingEarth-616
- Fishlegs IngermanHTTYD
- Fisk Brantner (Upgrade)Fisk Brantner
- Five-TailsKoku?Naruto
- Fix-It FelixWIR
- Fjall StoneheartFjallWitcher 2019
- FjölnirPJO
- Flag-SmasherKarli MorgenthauMCU
- Flag-SmasherKarl MorgenthauEarth-616
- Flamb�Earth-616
- Flame KingAT
- Flame PrincessPhoebeAT
- Flame TrooperStar Wars
- Flame Trooper (Clone Trooper)Star Wars
- Flandre ScarletFlandre ScarletTouhou
- Flare CoronaFlare CoronaFairy Tail
- Flash BackR&M
- Flash GordonSteven GordonFlash Gordon
- Flash MagnusMLP
- Flash ManDWN.014Mega Man
- Flash SentryMLP
- Flash ThompsonEugene ThompsonEarth-110
- Flash ThompsonEugene ThompsonEarth-982
- Flash ThompsonEugene ThompsonEarth-602636
- Flash ThompsonFlash ThompsonMCU
- Flash ThompsonEugene ThompsonEarth-8107
- Flash-MiteRebirth
- Flash-MiteNew Earth
- Flashy FlashOPM
- Flatline (H.A.R.D. Corps)Bloodshot
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