Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53815 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Count BraujouVHDM
- Count BrueghelVHDM
- Count CagliostroLupin III
- Count DookuDookuLEGO Star Wars
- Count DookuDarth TyrannusStar Wars
- Count DookuGraf DookuSWL
- Count DownValkyrie Crusade
- Count DraculaDraculaVan Helsing
- Count DraculaVlad DraculaBS Dracula
- Count DraculaDraculaDCAU
- Count DraculaDraculaHotel Transylvania
- Count DraculaVlad DraculaEarth-8107
- Count DraculaVlad DraculaEarth-700459
- Count DraculaDU
- Count DuckulaCD
- Count HarebourgWakfu
- Count KaozYgor KaozEarth-616
- Count Mordrek The DamnedWF
- Count NefariaCount Luchino NefariaEarth-616
- Count OlroxCastlevania
- Count OrlokSupercrooks
- Count RominoffDraculaEarth-1
- Count Saint-GermainDandadan
- Count SinestroSinestroEarth-40
- Count SpankulotCknd
- Count VertigoCount Werner VertigoNew Earth
- Count VertigoCecil AdamsArrowverse
- Count VertigoWerner ZytleRebirth
- Count VertigoWerner VertigoYoung Justice
- Count VertigoWerner ZytleArrowverse
- Count Vlad DraculaVlad Tepes DraculaMR
- Count YmirThe Elden Ring
- Countess BelzebethBelzebethNew Earth
- Countess Genevieve VasaVHDM
- Countess Lisl Von SchlafJames Bond
- Countess TrancyBlack Butler
- Courage The Cowardly DogCourage
- Courtney Marie DuranCourtney DuranEarth-982
- Courtney WagnerLife Is Strange
- Cousin Eerie
- Cousin IttAddams Family
- Cousin SinkbugCamp Lazlo
- Cover GirlCourtney A. KriegerG.I. Joe
- Cover GirlCourtney KriegerG.I Joe Film
- Cow GirlGoblin Slayer
- Coyote StarrkCoyote StarrkBleach
- Coyote TangoPacific Rim
- Cozy GlowCozy GlowMLP
- Cozy Glow (Alicorn)MLP
- Cozy Glow (Chaos Magic)MLP
- Cozy Glow (Pegasus)MLP
- Cozy Heart PenguinCare Bears
- Cr'reeeEarth-616
- Crab DroidLM-432 Crab DroidStar Wars
- Crab KhanJCA
- Crabby CabbieMMPR
- Craic BrotherDCU
- Craig MardukTekken
- Crane DaughtersCrane DaughtersEarth-616
- Crane HermitDB
- Crane MotherCrane MotherEarth-616
- Cranky KongDonkey KongMario
- Cranky KongSMB 2023
- Crash BandicootCBU
- Crash Test DonnyJTU
- Crasher WakePokemon
- Crawling OneCrawling OneCthulhu Mythos
- Crazy EightEarth-982
- Crazy EightLeslie Anne ShappeEarth-616
- Crazy HandSSBU
- Crazy JaneKay ChallisNew Earth
- Crazy JaneKay ChallisDoom Patrol
- Crazy QuiltPaul DekkerNew Earth
- Crazy Shy Lolita CanaryNew Earth
- Creaky PeteImaginary Friends
- Creator GodMushoku Tensei
- Creator Viktor (Battlecast)ViktorLoLAU
- Creature KingJed CoombsNew Earth
- Creature KingSpace Ghost
- Creature ZEarth-616
- Credence BareboneAurelius DumbledoreWizarding World
- Cree LincolnCknd
- Cree LincolnCknd
- Creed DiskenthBlack Cat
- Cregan StarkGOT
- Cregan StarkPlanetos
- Creo BrandFreezing
- Cress AlbaneCress AlbaneTales
- Cretacious SamSamEarth-5311
- Crey JansenVHDM
- Crier TuckB66TV
- Crime DoctorBradford ThorneNew Earth
- Crime Lord Aatrox (Odyssey)AatroxLoLAU
- Crime MasterEarth-90214
- Crime-MasterBennett BrantEarth-616
- Crimson AvengerLee TravisNew Earth
- Crimson BoltFrank D'ArboSuper
- Crimson CentipedeNew Earth
- Crimson ChinCharles Hampton IndigoF.O.P
- Crimson CountessThe Boys 2019
- Crimson CowlJustine HammerEarth-616
- Crimson CrusaderRory DestineEarth-616
- Crimson CrusaderRory DestineEarth-811
- Crimson CurseAerika HarknessEarth-982
- Crimson DynamoAnton VankoEarth-616
- Crimson DynamoAnton VankoEarth-8096
- Crimson DynamoDimitri BukharinEarth-811
- Crimson DynamoAlex SuEarth-1610
- Crimson Dynamo (Mark V Armor)Anthony "Tony" StarkEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo IIBoris TurgenevEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo IIIAlex NevskyEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo IVYuri PetrovichEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo IXEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo VDmitri BukharinEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo VIValentin ShatalovEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo VIIEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo VIIIGennady GavrilovEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo XEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo XIEarth-616
- Crimson Dynamo XIIEarth-616
- Crimson FoxConstance D'AramisNew Earth
- Crimson GuardStar Wars
- Crimson KingDark Tower
- Crimson QueenDark Tower
- Crimson SageWandaEarth-9997
- Crimson StitchwortVHDM
- Crimson StormtrooperStormtrooperStar Wars
- Crimson TyphoonPacific Rim
- Crimson WaspMishi Lenore KatoGreen Hornet
- Crimson WidowYelena BelovaMAU
- Criston ColePlanetos
- Criston ColeGOT
- Cristopher RuddVertigo
- Criti NollCriti NollEarth-616
- Crocodile ManHerkimerEarth-5
- Crocodile ManHerkimerNew Earth
- Croctor StrangeSteamin StrangeEarth-8311
- Crooked ManJeremiah WitkinsH19M
- Crooked ManJeremiah WitkinsHellboy
- Cross DragonoidDragonoidBakugan
- Cross MarianCross MarianD.Gray-man
- Crota, Son Of OryxCrota, Son Of OryxDestiny
- Crovax The CursedCrovaxMtG
- Crow HoganYu-Gi-Oh!
- Crowley EusfordSotE
- Crown Of ThawnesRebirth
- Crown Princess StellaStellaWinx Club Universe
- Crucible KnightThe Elden Ring
- Cruella De VilCruella De VilOUAT
- Cruella De VilDescendants
- Cruella De'vil101 Dalmatians
- Cruise KaijuAmazon Invincible
- Crusader XEarth-616
- Crusch KarstenRe:Zero
- Crusher AlienXenomorphAlien
- Crusher HoganJoseph HoganEarth-616
- Crustaceous RexG:TS
- Cruz RamirezCars
- Crying ManHI
- Crypto-137Cryptosporidium-137DaHU
- Crystal King (Final Form)The OverlordNinjago
- Crystal MaidenDota
- Crystal ManMega Man
- Crystal PalaceSandman
- Crystal SageDark Souls
- Crystal WarriorSlugterra
- Cthulhu (Underwater)Cthulhu
- Cthuma-GurathEarth-5311
- Cu ChulainnRecord Of Ragnarok
- Cu ChulainnSmite
- Cube Queen
- Cube WardenEarth-616
- Cubisk CoreEarth-616
- Cull ObsidianMCOC
- Cull ObsidianCull ObsidianMCU
- Cull ObsidianCull ObsidianEarth-13178
- Cull ObsidianCull ObsidianMCU?
- Cundiff CoodNew Earth
- Cupid JudgeCharmed
- Cure BlackNagisa MisumiPrecure
- Cure WhiteHonoka YukishiroPrecure
- Curse DevilChainsaw Man
- Curtis ConnorsEarth-90215
- Custis PendletonDishonored
- Cut ManDLN.003Mega Man
- Cut N' PasteZatchBell Universe
- Cuthbert Allgood
- Cuthbert BinnsWizarding World
- Cutie HoneyHoney KisaragiCutie Honey
- Cy-GorMichael Konieczni
- Cyan FitzgeraldSpawn
- Cyan GaramondeFF VI
- Cyan LoongWukong
- Cyan Sung-SunCyan Sung-SunBleach
- Cyber GodzillaGodzillaG:TS
- Cyber HornetSilas BurrEarth-616
- Cyber ShredderTMNT 2003
- Cyber Smoke (LK-7T2)Tomas VrbadaMK
- Cyber Sub-ZeroKuai LiangMK
- Cyberverse DeathstrokeSlade WilsonNew Earth
- Cyborg 001Ivan WhiskyCyborg 009
- Cyborg 0012Cyborg 009
- Cyborg 0013Cyborg 009
- Cyborg 0016John Cain SmithCyborg 009
- Cyborg 0017AbelCyborg 009
- Cyborg 002Jet LinkCyborg 009
- Cyborg 003Françoise ArnoulCyborg 009
- Cyborg 004Albert HeinrichCyborg 009
- Cyborg 005G-JuniorCyborg 009
- Cyborg 006Chang ChangkuCyborg 009
- Cyborg 007Great BritainCyborg 009
- Cyborg 008PyunmaCyborg 009
- Cyborg 009Joe ShimamuraCyborg 009
- Cyborg HeliosHeliosBakugan
- Cyborg OvermanHeinrich HenshawEarth-10
- Cyborg Spider-ManPeter ParkerEarth-616
- Cyborg SupermanHenry HenshawNew Earth
- Cyborg SupermanZor-ElPrime Earth
- Cyborg SupermanHenry HenshawPrime Earth
- Cyborg SupermanHank HenshawArrowverse
- Cyborg SupermanHank HenshawDCUAOM
- Cyborg SupermanHenry HenshawRebirth
- Cyborg Superman (Phantom Ring)Henry HenshawNew Earth
- Cyborg Superman (Yellow Lantern)Hank HenshawNew Earth
- Cygnus HyogaSaint Seiya
- Cylon CenturionBG
- Cynthia PanabakerCynthia PanabakerThe Blacklist
- Cynthia Von DoomCynthia Von DoomEarth-616
- Cyra (Asgardian)CyraEarth-616
- Cyra (Scion Of Cyttorak)CyraEarth-616
- Cyrus BorgCyrus BorgNinjago
- Cyrus BroderickCyrus BroderickNew Earth
- Cyrus DorianSupernatural
- Cyrus FernVHDM
- Cyslin MyrStar Wars
- Cyvus VailBuffy
- Czeslav KorbutMetro
- D%nelEarth-TRN781
- D'ArtagnanTM2011M
- D'avin JaqobisKilljoys
- D'ChelD'Chel
- D'endrrahD'endrrahExpanded Cthulhu Mythos
- D'HoffrynBuffy
- D'JokGF
- D'kay D'razzD'kay D'razzNew Earth
- D'ken NeramaniEarth-616
- D'SpayreD'SpayreEarth-616
- D'SpayreAndre DeschaineMCU
- D'VoidAloysius AnimoBen 10
- D'VorahMK
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