Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53945 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- Godzilla (Novelization)GojiraSingular Point
- Godzilla (Showa)GojiraToho
- Godzillasaurus (Heisei)GojiraToho
- GoenitzLeopold GoenitzKOF
- GoetiaGoetiaNasuverse
- GofureZatchBell Universe
- GogWilliamEarth-22
- GogWilliam MatthewsNew Earth
- GogNew Earth
- GogEarth-616
- Gog (Tsiln)GogEarth-616
- Gog (Tsiln)Earth-602636
- GogetaGogetaCC
- GogetaGogetaXenoverse
- GogetaGogetaDB
- Gogeta (Manga)DB
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan)GogetaDB
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)GogetaDBGT
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan Blue)GogetaDB
- GogglesKick-Ass 2010
- GogmaziosMH
- GogoFF VI
- GohanGohanDBGT
- GohanSon GohanDB
- GohanGohanCC
- Gohan (Beast)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Buu Saga)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (DAIMA)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Manga)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Oozaru)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Potential Unleashed)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Super Saiyan)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Super Saiyan 2)Son GohanDB
- GojibaGojibaFist Of The North Star
- GokuKakarotDB
- GokuKakarotJumpForce
- GokuKakarotDBM2009
- GokuKakarotCC
- Goku (Buu Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Cell Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (False Super Saiyan)KakarotDB
- Goku (God Fusion)KakarotDB
- Goku (Golden Oozaru)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Kaioken)KakarotDB
- Goku (Kaioken Super Saiyan)KakarotDB
- Goku (Kaioken X100)KakarotDB
- Goku (Manga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct)KakarotDB
- Goku (Mini)Xenoverse
- Goku (Mini)KakarotDB
- Goku (Namek Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Oozaru)KakarotDB
- Goku (Saiyan Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Super Saiyan)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan 2)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan 3)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Super Saiyan 3)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan 4)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Super Saiyan 4 Full Power)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken)KakarotDB
- Goku (Super Saiyan God)KakarotDB
- Goku (True Ultra Instinct)KakarrotDB
- Goku (Ultra Instinct)KakarotDB
- Goku (Universe Tree Power)KakarotCC
- GolaithErik Stephan JostenMAU
- GolanGolanFist Of The North Star
- GolbAT
- GolbezFF IV
- Gold
- GoldNew Earth
- GoldFire Force
- GoldarMMPR
- Goldar (2017 movie)
- GoldbergBill Goldberg
- GoldbergGoldbergOP
- GoldberryEä
- GoldbugMatthew Gilden
- GoldbugBumblebeeTSG
- GolddiggerAngela GoldenEarth-616
- GoldenrodFrederick "Fred" DelmarNew Earth
- GoldfaceNew Earth
- GoldhornMonsuno
- GoldieIrvingVertigo
- Goldie
- GoldilocksNew Earth
- GoldilocksShrek
- GoldpoolWade WilsonMCOC
- GoldspearMonsuno
- GoldstarMichelle CarterNew Earth
- GoldstarErnest WiddleNew Earth
- GoleNew Earth
- GolemShaman King
- GolemJacob GoldsteinEarth-616
- GolemGeodudePokemon
- GolgannetWarcraft
- GolgiusSDS
- GolgothaGolgothaPrime Earth
- GolgothaHellboy
- GoliadGoliadAT
- GoliathErik JostenEarth-616
- GoliathHank PymEarth-616
- GoliathClint BartonEarth-616
- GoliathBill FosterMCU
- GoliathThomas FosterEarth-616
- GoliathWilliam FosterEarth-TRN619
- GoliathEvolve-Verse
- GoliathGoliathRebirth
- GoliathGargoyles
- GoliathWilliam Barrett FosterEarth-616
- GoliathClinton BartonEarth-9997
- GoliathBill FosterMCU?
- GoliathNew Earth
- GollumEä
- GoltasMagi
- GolurkPokemon
- GolzaUSU
- GolzaCv
- GomahGomahDB
- Gomah (Tertian Oculus)GomahDB
- GomamonDigimon
- GomanosukeKsliw
- GomoraUSU
- GomorrahGomorrahBayonetta
- GonTekken
- GonarchHalf-Life
- GondryHayden GondryNGL
- GonzalesTeis
- GonzaloGonzalo
- GoodfellowEarth-34
- GooeyCknd
- GooeyKirby
- GoofyGoofy GoofKingdom Hearts
- GoofyGoofyMickey Mouse & Friends
- GookDeath Note
- GoomEarth-616
- GoomMAU
- GoomEarth-14412
- GoombaKuriboMario
- GoombossMario
- GoopPolymorphBen 10
- GoopBen 10 (2016)
- GopalGopalMonstaverse
- GopherSoul Eater
- GoramuZatchBell Universe
- GoraniEarth-616
- GorathGorathFist Of The North Star
- GoratrixGoratrixWOD
- GoraxGoraxEarth-1611
- GordML
- GordonCamp Lazlo
- GordonEarth-616
- GordonGordonMCU
- GordonDisgaea
- GoreclawGoreclawMtG
- GoreeneBakugan
- GoremBakugan
- GorgEarth-616
- GorgeousWanda DurstEarth-50
- GorgoGorgoWOD
- GorgonGorgon PetragonMCU
- GorgonGorgon PetragonEarth-616
- GorgonMAU
- GorgonTomi ShishidoEarth-13178
- GorgonEvolve-Verse
- GorgonTomi ShishidoEarth-616
- GorgonGorgonDestiny
- GorgonGorgon PetragonEarth-61112
- GorgonEarth-8
- GorgonzolaMask Animated
- GorgonzolaChowder
- GorgorGorgorPrime Earth
- GorgrogFH
- GorishNew Earth
- GorkNew Earth
- GorlimTolkienverse
- GormZatchBell Universe
- GormacEarth-616
- GormuuGormuuEarth-616
- GornStar Trek
- GoroMK-2021
- GoroDark Cloud
- GoroGoro Half-DragonMK
- GorogWoWP
- GorogongGigabash
- GorosaurusGorosaurusIDWGZ
- Gorosaurus (Showa)GorosaurusToho
- GorouGenshin Impact
- GorthionBakugan
- GorudoGorudoSuikoden
- GorvanBen 10
- GossifleurGossifleurPokemon
- GotenGotenDB
- GotenSon GotenDBGT
- Goten (Manga)DB
- Goten (Mini)GotenDB
- Goten (Saiyaman)GotenDB
- Goten (Super Saiyan)GotenDB
- GotenksGoten/TrunksDB
- GotenksGoten/TrunksXenoverse
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan)Goten/TrunksDB
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3)Goten/TrunksDB
- GothamHenry Clover Jr.New Earth
- GothmogEä
- GothmogGothmogEä
- GotohGotohHXH
- GotouSMT
- GotouParasyte
- GoukenStreet Fighter
- GouketsuOPM
- GourgeistPokemon
- GourmetSadao MakiharaYu Yu Hakusho
- GourryGourry GabrievSlayers
- GowasuGowasDB
- GowronGowron, Son Of M'RelStar Trek
- GowtherGowtherSDS
- GoyleGregory GoyleWizarding World
- Gozer
- GozerGhostbusters
- GrabSupernatural
- Graboid (African)GraboidTremors
- Graboid (American)GraboidTremors
- Graboid (Arctic)GraboidTremors
- GraceEarth-616
- GraceSoulfire
- GraceM:I
- GraceFrancesca GraceEarth-811
- Grace
- GrafaiaiPokemon
- GraffitiCreepypasta
- GragasGragasLoL
- GragnerML
- GrahamMGNF
- GrahdensBrave Frontier
- GrailLego Earth-1
- GrailGrailRebirth
- GrailGrailPrime Earth
- GrailSalvador Joel AlondayEarth-50
- Grail (Goddess of Anti-Life)GrailRebirth
- Grail (Godkiller)GrailRebirth
- GranGBF
- GrandfatherCknd
- GrandmaSupernatural
- GrandmasterEn Dwi GastMCU?
- GrandmasterEn Dwi GastEarth-616
- GrandmasterEn Dwi GastEarth-TRN840
- GrandmasterMAU
- GrandpaGregoryGrannyverse
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