Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 53863 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- GinreiSenran Kagura
- GinroDr. Stone
- GinrouSAO
- GintaGinta ToramizuMÄR
- GintaGintaInuyasha
- GioD:TR
- GioLudwig Giovanni ArlandAtelier
- GiovanniPokemon
- GiovanniOP
- GiovanniFire Force
- GIRInvader Zim
- GiragYu-Gi-Oh!
- GiranDB
- GiranKagero OkutaMHA
- GiratinaGiratinaPokemon
- GirderAnthony WoodwardNew Earth
- GirderTony WoodwordArrowverse
- GirikoSoul Eater
- GirikoZatchBell Universe
- GirlfriendFNFU
- GiromGiromMÄR
- GiroroKeroro
- GiruDB
- GisaGisa CecaniMtG
- GiselaGiselaMtG
- GislaGislaVikings
- GithCharmed
- GiulMetro
- GiverDM
- GixGixMtG
- GiyeraGiyeraMCU
- GiygasGiygas
- Giygas (True Form)Giygas
- GizelGizel GodwinSuikoden
- GizmoTeen Titans
- GizmoGizmo
- GizmoMikron O'JeneusNew Earth
- GizmoMikron O'JeneusRebirth
- GizmoMikron O'JeneusTitans
- GizmoMultiVersus
- GizmoduckFenton CrackshellDarkwing Duck
- GlaakiGla'akiExpanded Cthulhu Mythos
- GlaberGaius Claudius GlaberSpartacus
- GlaceonEeveePokemon
- GlaciatorAndre GlacierMiracuverse
- GlaciusKI
- GladiatorMelvin Potter
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-616
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-TRN840
- GladiatorEarth-92131
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-2149
- GladiatorDoomverse
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-TRN852
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-19121
- GladiatorKallarkEarth-TRN1510
- Gladiator (Brood Infected)KallarkEarth-TRN852
- Gladiatrix (Robin Braxton)Earth-616
- GladionPokemon
- GladiusOP
- GLaDOSGenetic Lifeform And Disk Operating SystemPortal
- GlamorGlynis Zarkov
- GlamorBayonetta
- GlassTRotSH
- GlastrierPokemon
- GlaumarGlaumarTOTG
- GlaurungGlaurungTolkienverse
- GlaveJBU
- GleekNew Earth
- GleenNew Earth
- GlenGlen CarterThe Blacklist
- GlenTeis
- GlennGlennFist Of The North Star
- GlennGlennThe Good Place
- GlennGlenn RheeTWD
- GlenstormNarnia
- GlibberquipNew Earth
- GligarGligarPokemon
- GlimWinx Club Universe
- GlimmerGlimmer BrightmoonMotU
- GlimmetPokemon
- GlimmoraPokemon
- GlindaGlinda SouthronGFT
- GlitchGlitchDoors
- GlitchtrapFNAF
- GlobDaniel Stone IINew Earth
- GlobJoseph TimmsEarth-616
- GlobbyDibsBH6
- GloboxRMU
- GloconNew Earth
- GloinEä
- GlomulusNew Earth
- GlooML
- GloombatsGloombatsDoors
- GloomWeaverGloomWeaverSotM
- GloonGloonCthulhu Mythos
- GlorfindelGlorfindelTolkienverse
- Glorfindel (Rebirth)GlorfindelTolkienverse
- GloriaMadagascar
- GlorianThomas GideonEarth-616
- Glorian (Shaper Of World's Powers)Thomas Gideon
- GlorianaMeggan PuceanuEarth-616
- GloriannaDr. Rhonda FlemingEarth-616
- GlorioGlorioDB
- GlorithNew Earth
- GloryGlory
- GloryGloriana DemeterExtreme
- GloryGlorificusBuffy
- Glory (Reboot)Gloriana DemeterExtreme
- GlowEarth-17372
- GlowbladeMonsuno
- GloxiniaGloxiniaSDS
- GlumPJO
- GluttonyEarth-616
- GluttonyGluttonyDCEU
- Gluttony
- GluttonyFMA
- GluttonyNew Earth
- GluttonySupernatural
- Gluttony (Seven deadly sins)Future State
- GlynnisCharmed
- Glyph
- GlythurSupernatural
- GmorkGmorkTNES
- GnaGoW
- GnarGnarLoL
- GnarlBuffy
- GnarlackWizarding World
- GnarlyJacob Brown
- GnarrkGnarrkPrime Earth
- GnitEarth-616
- GnomeAli FarghamEarth-50
- GnorEarth-TRN885
- GoarCBU
- GoatMegas XLR
- GoatEric FantomDoom2005
- GoatmanGTA
- GoatmanCharles McCartneyCreepypasta
- GobindaJames Bond
- GoblinNorman OsbornEarth-90214
- GoblinNorman OsbornEarth-TRN852
- GoblinJennifer D'AngeloEarth-TRN590
- GobtaTensura
- GodTokyo Babel
- GodJack KlineSupernatural
- GodVertigo
- GodSimpsons
- GodDigimon
- GodThe Ein Sof.Unsong Verse
- GodUA2019
- GodYahwehEarth-616
- GodGood Omens
- GodEarth-50
- GodBa
- GodOPM
- GodDisenchantment
- GodStar Maker
- GodSpawn
- GodChuck ShurleySupernatural
- GodCastlevania
- GodYahwehEarth-19121
- GodPlatinum End
- GodFamily Guy
- GodGanDark Tower
- GodPreacher
- God (An Egg)Creepypasta
- God (Seekers Into The Mystery)Vertigo
- GodaBakuman
- GodaBear ManFist Of The North Star
- GodbrandC17S
- GoddessGoddessEMCU
- GoddessEarth-616
- GodheadGodhead
- GodiÁleifrHellblade
- GodivaDora LeighNew Earth
- GodivaDora LeighPrime Earth
- GodmindEarth-23203
- GodslayerL'CallPrime Earth
- GodspeedAugust HeartRebirth
- GodspeedAugust HartArrowverse
- GodspeedAugust HartNew Earth
- GodspeedAugust HartPrime Earth
- Godstalker
- GodwinGodwinVikings
- GodzillaGojiraNew Earth
- GodzillaTitanus GojiraMonsterVerse
- GodzillaGojiraEarth-616
- GodzillaGodzilla Jr.G:TS
- GodzillaGojiraIDWGZ
- Godzilla (1954)GojiraToho
- Godzilla (1998)GodzillaG:TS
- Godzilla (Evolved)Titanus GojiraMonsterVerse
- Godzilla (Final Wars)GojiraToho
- Godzilla (Half-Century War)GojiraIDWGZ
- Godzilla (Heisei)GojiraToho
- Godzilla (In Hell)GojiraIDWGZ
- Godzilla (Millennium)GojiraToho
- Godzilla (Minus One)GojiraToho
- Godzilla (Novelization)GojiraSingular Point
- Godzilla (Showa)GojiraToho
- Godzillasaurus (Heisei)GojiraToho
- GoenitzLeopold GoenitzKOF
- GoetiaGoetiaNasuverse
- GofureZatchBell Universe
- GogWilliamEarth-22
- GogWilliam MatthewsNew Earth
- GogNew Earth
- GogEarth-616
- Gog (Tsiln)GogEarth-616
- Gog (Tsiln)Earth-602636
- GogetaGogetaCC
- GogetaGogetaXenoverse
- GogetaGogetaDB
- Gogeta (Manga)DB
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan)GogetaDB
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)GogetaDBGT
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan Blue)GogetaDB
- GogglesKick-Ass 2010
- GogmaziosMH
- GogoFF VI
- GohanGohanDBGT
- GohanSon GohanDB
- GohanGohanCC
- Gohan (Beast)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Buu Saga)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (DAIMA)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Manga)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Oozaru)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Potential Unleashed)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Super Saiyan)Son GohanDB
- Gohan (Super Saiyan 2)Son GohanDB
- GojibaGojibaFist Of The North Star
- GokuKakarotDB
- GokuKakarotJumpForce
- GokuKakarotDBM2009
- GokuKakarotCC
- Goku (Buu Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Cell Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (False Super Saiyan)KakarotDB
- Goku (God Fusion)KakarotDB
- Goku (Golden Oozaru)KakarotDBGT
- Goku (Kaioken)KakarotDB
- Goku (Kaioken Super Saiyan)KakarotDB
- Goku (Kaioken X100)KakarotDB
- Goku (Manga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct)KakarotDB
- Goku (Mini)Xenoverse
- Goku (Mini)KakarotDB
- Goku (Namek Saga)KakarotDB
- Goku (Oozaru)KakarotDB
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