Names of all superheroes and villains
Complete list of all superheroes and villains
Looking for a comprehensive list of superhero and villain names? Look no further! Gain knowledge over every character you'll ever encounter with this go-to guide.
From Batman to Venom, Wonder Woman to Thanos, the world of superheroes and villains is full of fascinating characters from comics, movies and TV shows. With this comprehensive list of superhero and villain names, you'll never be at a loss for an answer when asked about the most popular caped crusaders and crafty evildoers.
There are 54008 superheroes and villains in the database. Below you'll find them all in alphabetical order.
- DamirMetro
- DamonDB
- DanaVD
- DanaDanaNew Earth
- DanaBuffy
- DandelionJulian Alfred PankratzWitcher
- Dandelo
- DandySpace Dandy
- DaneJackson M DaneEarth-50
- DaneDaneF:TWS
- DangerEarth-616
- DaniDead Island
- DanicaDanica MaupoissantDnD
- DanielDaniel DavenportLab Rats
- DanielDanielTWD
- DanielDanielSupernatural
- DanielDanielEarth-616
- DanielsStar Trek
- DanilaMetro
- DannyZatchBell Universe
- DanteDante SpardaDMC
- DanteLXG
- DanteDante SpardaSMT
- DanteWOD
- DanteDanteHero Wars Verse
- DanteDante SpardaEarth-30847
- DanteDanteFist Of The North Star
- DanteFaith Jacobs
- DanteVNK
- DanteGOH
- DanuIM
- DanzaburouSmite
- DaolothDaolothExpanded Cthulhu Mythos
- Daphne
- DaphneValkyrie Crusade
- DaphneValkyrie Crusade
- DaphneRe:Zero
- DaphneDaphneWinx Club Universe
- DaphneDaphne BlakeScooby-Doo
- Daphne (2023 show)Scooby-Doo
- Daphne (Spirit)Winx Club Universe
- DaqiaoDW
- DaraDara KuroganeGokurakugai
- DaraEarth-616
- DarakDarakEnergon
- DarakuGintama
- DarambiaDarambiaUSU
- DarbyEarth-811
- DarcoEarth-616
- DarcyDarcyWinx Club Universe
- DaredevilBart Hill
- DaredevilMatt MurdockEarth-616
- DaredevilMatt MurdockMCOC
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-982
- DaredevilSamuel FiskEarth-928
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-13178
- DaredevilMatthew Michael MurdockEarth-8610
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-90214
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-1610
- DaredevilMatt MurdockDoom Universe
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-666
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-110
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-938
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-811
- DaredevilValkyrie Crusade
- DaredevilMatt MurdockEarth-92131
- DaredevilMatt MurdockEMCU
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-9411
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-181
- DaredevilMatt MurdockMAU
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-7642
- DaredevilMatt MurdockEarth-TRN891
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-70105
- DaredevilSamuel FiskEarth-TRN590
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-61112
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockTLFFS
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-8107
- DaredevilHero Wars Verse
- DaredevilEarth-155
- DaredevilMatthew MurdockEarth-37072
- DaredevilMatt MurdockMCU
- DaredevilElektra NatchiosEarth-616
- DaredevilMatt MurdockEarth-TRN840
- Daredevil (God Without Fear)Matt MurdockEarth-616
- Daredevil (Phoenix Force)Matt Murdock
- Daredevil (Possessed by The Beast)Matt MurdockEarth-616
- Daredevil (Venomized)Matt Murdock
- DarethThe Brown Ninja
- DargilDargilEarth-616
- DarigaazRhammidarigaazMtG
- DarioJames Bond
- DariusNFS
- DariusDariusOHV
- DariusDariusFMA
- DariusDariusLoL
- DariusDarius BowmanJurassic Park
- DarkchyldeAriel Lynn ChyldeEarth-616
- Darkchylde
- DarkdevilReilly TyneEarth-982
- DarkdramonCommandramonDigimon
- DarkfatherBruce WayneDM
- DarkfireRyand'rNew Earth
- DarkhawkChristopher PowellEarth-616
- DarkhawkConnor YoungEarth-616
- DarkiplierDamien CelineJSE
- DarklightNew Earth
- DarklosMegas XLR
- DarkmanPeyton WestlakeDarkman
- DarknessLalatina Dustiness FordKonoSuba
- DarknessMagnum TenebrosumCthulhu Mythos
- DarkonEarth 1956
- DarkonEarth-8107
- DarkondaMMPR
- DarkothDesmond PittEarth-616
- DarkraiDarkraiPokemon
- DarkseekerI Am Legend
- DarkseidUxasSmallville
- DarkseidUxasInjustice
- DarkseidUxasFuture State
- DarkseidUxasDCEU
- DarkseidUxasS/B
- DarkseidUxasPrime Earth
- DarkseidUxasEarth 28
- DarkseidUxasHQAU
- DarkseidDCUO
- DarkseidEarth-1198
- DarkseidUxasPre-Crisis
- DarkseidUxasBTBATB
- DarkseidUxasJLA
- DarkseidUxasDCUAOM
- DarkseidUxasEarth 55
- DarkseidUxasNew Earth
- DarkseidUxasEarth-2
- DarkseidUxasDCAU
- DarkseidUxasYoung Justice
- DarkseidUxasAU
- DarkseidUxasRebirth
- Darkseid (Another Nail)UxasEarth-898
- Darkseid (Anti-Life Equation)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Avatar Of Nekron)UxasDM
- Darkseid (Death Metal)UxasDM
- Darkseid (Equation)Dan Turpin
- Darkseid (Great Darkness)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Infinite Frontier)UxasEarth Omega
- Darkseid (Infinity Gauntlet)UxasEarth-9602
- Darkseid (Lego)Lego Earth-1
- Darkseid (Merged With Spectre)UxasRebirth
- Darkseid (Odyssey)UxasRebirth
- Darkseid (Other Box)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Power Battery)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Revision Mechanism)UxasRebirth
- Darkseid (Soul Syphon)UxasEarth-1
- Darkseid (Soulfire Formula)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Teen)UxasRebirth
- Darkseid (The One Within The Dark)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (True Form)UxasNew Earth
- Darkseid (Yellow Lantern)UxasEarth 55
- Darkseid (Young Adult)UxasRebirth
- DarkstalkerWings Of Fire Universe
- DarkstarLaynia PetrovnaEarth-616
- DarkstarMichael MorningstarBen 10
- DarkstarTomar-TuNew Earth
- DarkstarDonna TroyNew Earth
- Darkstar (Post-absorption)Michael MorningstarBen 10
- DarksteelTFP
- DarkthornExtreme
- DarkwingInvincible
- DarkwingAmazon Invincible
- DarkyloseidEarth 27
- DarlaBuffy
- DarlingMonica CostelloBaby Driver
- Darma (Dark Fairy)Winx Club Universe
- Darna
- Darnell (Darnel)DarnelFNFU
- DarrambDarrambUSU
- DarriusDarriusMKNT
- DarriusDarriusMK
- Darrow (Red)Darrow O'LykosRed Rising
- DartJill August
- DartalgDartalonPre-Crisis
- DarterRandy ValeEarth-616
- DartzYu-Gi-Oh!
- DaruiNaruto
- DarukDarukZelda
- DarumaSamurai 8
- DarwinArmando Mu�ozEMCU
- DarwinArmando MuñozEarth-616
- Darwin (God of death)Armando MuñozEarth-616
- DaryllDarryll The BanditsMC
- DashLisa Richards
- DashDashiell Robert ParrIncredibles
- DashaSkiptrace
- DataDataStar Trek
- DatsujiNaruto
- DaveKipo
- DaveTotal Drama
- DaveDespicable Me
- DavidUnderworld
- DavidDavid Jehoahaz AbrahamMagi
- DavidDavidTWD
- DavidBlood+
- DavidAlien
- DavrosDoctor Who
- DawlakispokpokNew Earth
- DawnAuroraDawn
- DawnTotal Drama
- DawnRachel NiamoPrime Earth
- DawnbreakerBruce WayneDM
- DawnbreakerDota
- DawnstarTomorrowverse
- DawnstarDawnstarNew Earth
- DaxGods' Games We Play
- DaybreakCelestiaMLP
- DaydreamGwenEarth-616
- DaydreamerDaydreamer
- DaystarNew Earth
- DazzleDota
- DazzlerAlison BlaireEarth-616
- DazzlerAlison BlaireEarth-13178
- DazzlerAlison BlaireEarth-92131
- DazzlerAlison BlaireEarth-1610
- DazzlerAlison BlaireEarth-11326
- Dazzler (Herald of Galactus)Alison BlaireEarth-616
- DeaconEarth-616
- DeaconAlien
- DeadeyeOliver QueenEarth-3
- DeadeyeArchie WallerNew Earth
- DeadeyeClinton BartonEarth-9907
- DeadeyeWilliam LawtonEarth-9602
- DeadeyeEarth-8
- DeadfallMonsuno
- DeadlineTarogathSotM
- DeadlineNew Earth
- DeadlineArrowverse
- Deadlock
- DeadmanBoston BrandDCAU
- DeadmanBoston BrandNew Earth
- DeadmanDick GraysonInjustice
- DeadmanBoston BrandBTBATB
- DeadmanBoston BrandRebirth
- DeadmanBoston BrandInjustice
- DeadmanBoston BrandDCUAOM
- DeadmanMarcus MooreEarth-9
- DeadmanBoston BrandPrime Earth
- DeadpoolWade WilsonEarth-616
- DeadpoolWade WilsonMCOC
- DeadpoolWade WilsonEarth-13178
- DeadpoolWade WilsonEarth-21798
- DeadpoolWade WilsonEarth-1610
- DeadpoolEarth-2149
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