

Latest Comments

These are the 50 latest comments made by ItadoriYugi27

4 months member
@yes I have
4 months member

Body Puppetry: Lucifer does not demonstrate the ability to control demons or other beings like puppets. His influence over demons is more about leadership and respect due to his status as King of Hell, not direct control over their actions.

Creation: Creating a card to the afterlife in the crossover event is more a narrative convenience rather than evidence of creation powers. This is not a recurring or well-defined ability in the show.

Existence Erasure Resistance: There is no clear evidence in the show that Lilith's ring grants existence erasure resistance. All it appears to do is grant the user Immortality.

Time Manipulation Resistance:
I’ll give you this one, I completely forgot about Amenadiel.

Mind Control: Lucifer's ability to compel others to tell the truth is a form of mind influence, not control. He can only compel them to tell him there inner most desires, not control whatever they do

Power Bestowal: Angels can realize their own powers, but Lucifer does not bestow powers on others. Self-realization is personal, not a bestowed gift.

Power Nullifier: Angels can choose to renounce their powers (self-actualization), but Lucifer does not have the power to nullify others' abilities.

Reality Warping: Angels manifesting dreams or hearing prayers is not the same as reality warping. Reality warping implies altering the fabric of reality itself, which is not shown by Lucifer or other angels in the series.

Technopath: I do not remember him starting a car with a gesture, what episode is this?

Telepathy: Praying to other celestial beings is more a form of communication, than telepathy which is a direct mind-to-mind communication, but fine I’ll give you this one that.

Portal Creation: While Lucifer has wings that allow him to travel between Earth and Hell, this is more about physical transportation rather than creating portals. And even if he’s superior to them, that doesn’t mean he has the power to create portals.
4 months member
Yea I don’t think he has any of these

Body Puppetry, Creation, Existence Erasure Resistance, Time Manipulation Resistance, Interstellar Travel, Mind Control, Power Bestowal, Power Nullifier, Reality Warping, Technopath/Cyberpath, Telepathy, Existence Erasure, Portal Creation

Something to consider @MoNsTeR