Lucifer Morningstar

Lucifer Morningstar


DC Television Universe


ItadoriYugi27 11 h 7 m
Lucifer Morningstar
4 months member
Yea I don’t think he has any of these

Body Puppetry, Creation, Existence Erasure Resistance, Time Manipulation Resistance, Interstellar Travel, Mind Control, Power Bestowal, Power Nullifier, Reality Warping, Technopath/Cyberpath, Telepathy, Existence Erasure, Portal Creation

Something to consider @MoNsTeR
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Isaacbobanka07 8 h 43 m
Lucifer Morningstar
21 months member

body pupperty: he can control demons

creation: Created a card that allowed Constantine, Diggle and Mia to go to the afterlife

existance erasure resistance: liliths ring grants existance erasure resistance

time manipulation resistance: have you even watched the show? he has shown resistance to amenadiels time manipulation on multiple times

interstellar travel: unsure of this one

mind control: Can compel others to tell the truth

power bestowal: Angels can give themselves powers via self-realization

power nullifer: Angels can cancel their own powers thanks to their ability to self-actualize

reality warping:Angels can hear prayers and bring them to life. As an Archangel and King of Hell, he should be superior to angels like Manny and demons like Neron who both posses it

technopath:Started a car with a gesture

telepathy:Can communicate with his angelic siblings by praying to them, as he frequently uses this ability to contact Amenadiel

existance erasure: don't know about this one

portal creation: should have due to being superior to neuron and mallus and aswell with his wings
yes 5 h 11 m
Lucifer Morningstar
27 months member
@Isaacbobanka07 I don’t think he’s seen the show either.