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Proxima Midnight

Proxima Midnight

Proxima Midnight

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Proxima Midnight's powers and abilities

Superhuman Strength

Proxima Midnight was shown to be physically stronger than regular humans like Black Widow and Okoye, and also overpower both of them during the Battle of Wakanda. However, the super-soldier Captain America seems to have strength comparable to her, as he was able to hold her at bay using Corvus Glaive's glaive to save Black Widow, bus displayed visible strain in doing so. Her strength was sufficient enough to throw people around as she did to Okoye. She was also able to knock down Black Widow with a kick and subdue her with her punches despite being blocked by her batons.

Superhuman Durability

Proxima Midnight was shown to be very durable, especially in battle. She was able to withstand powerful bolts of Scarlet Witch's telekinetic energy during their first encounter for quite a while, before being defeated by the combined efforts of Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon. Despite being outnumbered two-to-one while fighting Black Widow and Okoye, she was able to stand her ground and suffered minor wounds. She was able to touch Black Widow's Batons with only mild discomfort and could withstand a kick to her abdomen from Black Widow with seemingly no discomfort. She was able to be thrown through a shop front with great force and thrown through a flaming truck without sustaining any heavy injuries. However, it is implied that she is not bulletproof, as she showed discernible fear when Falcon aimed his guns at her.

Superhuman Speed

Proxima Midnight was shown to be fast and agile in battle, able to swiftly attack or parry incoming attacks, as well as dodge or evade her opponents quickly. During her battle with Black Widow and Okoye, she was able to maintain the upper hand against them. During the attack on Vision, Midnight demonstrated this during her brief skirmish with Captain America and Black Widow, as she was able to block attacks from both incredible fighters simultaneously. However, it was not impossible to ambush her, as shown by Falcon being able to use the momentum of his flight to send her flying, with Midnight hardly having enough time to react.

Superhuman Agility

Midnight possessed a limited degree of superhuman agility, adequate enough to leap high into the air, perform complex flips and twists in combat, as well as execute a perfect roll after jumping many feet into the air during her pursuit of Scarlet Witch.


Master Combatant

Proxima Midnight was a superb combatant, able to employ various weapons like her spear or swords with incredible dexterity and skill in battle. As such, she was able to go toe-to-toe with Scarlet Witch on their first meeting with only her combat skill alone, and was only defeated through a combination of teamwork from Captain America, Black Widow, and the Falcon, all of whom are skilled combatants. In the battle in Wakanda, Midnight was able to take the upper ground in her fight with both Black Widow and Okoye simultaneously, and would have killed the two had Scarlet Witch not intervened in time and killed her.

Spear Mastery

Midnight is extremely skilled in using her spear for close quarters combat, managing to repeatedly use it to attack Scarlet Witch with it and also fight on par with both Captain America and Black Widow. She was also able to throw the spear with deadly accuracy to impale her opponents or could blast them with energy from the spear's tip.

Sword Mastery

Midnight also showed considerable skill in the use of swords. Getting to face Black Widow and Okoye with a sword, and also almost killed Black Widow with a retractable sword that she wore in her gauntlet. She was never defeated in her melee combat.

Expert Acrobat

Midnight has shown to be a capable acrobat. She utilized several flips during her skirmish with Captain America and Black Widow to strategically position herself closer to her fallen husband while simultaneously moving he enemies away.