

Duke Slater

Grommet's History

Duke Slater, known to the world as Grommet, hails from the sunny shores of San Diego. Born and raised in this coastal paradise, Slater’s deep connection to the ocean and his unwavering love for the waves shaped him into the extraordinary hero he is today. By day, Duke works as a humble pool cleaner, a job that allows him to stay close to the water that fuels his powers.

What sets Grommet apart from other heroes is his unique ability to harness the power of water. Grommet possesses the extraordinary gift to manipulate moisture from the air, drawing it towards himself and controlling it with remarkable precision. This power grants him the ability to create and control water in all its forms, enabling him to summon mighty waves, manipulate water currents, and even shape aquatic projectiles.

As an avid surfer, Slater combines his passion for riding the waves with his superhuman abilities. With his power over water, he creates majestic waves, propelling himself through the air and riding the crests like a true master of the ocean. Grommet’s acrobatic maneuvers and fluid control of the water make him an unmatched force in both combat and navigation.

But Grommet’s connection to the aquatic realm extends beyond manipulating water alone. His powers also grant him the ability to communicate with and understand the language of aquatic animals. This unique gift allows him to gather vital information, seek allies among the ocean's inhabitants, and even enlist their help in his battles against evil.

Grommet’s unwavering determination to protect the coastal communities and the marine life that inhabit the oceans drives him to fight against any threats that endanger them. With his unwavering bravery, resourcefulness, and mastery over water, he swiftly thwarts criminals, environmental hazards, and other villains who dare to harm the delicate balance of the world's oceans.

With his natural affinity for the waves and his ability to control water, Grommet stands as a symbol of hope and protection for both land and sea. Grommet’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the world's oceans and his unique set of powers make him a true superhero, protecting both surfers and marine life alike with his unmatched aquatic prowess.