
Add characters to the Database

Created by Galactus, 7 y 11 mo 18 d ago.

You can now suggest character to be added to the database (link below).
Once you've added a characters it will be added to the 'voting' list. If 4 other users upvote your suggestion it will be added*.

If you made a mistake, you can delete your suggestion.
If anything isn't working, let me know in the comments.

*For now the character has to be added to the website manually by me. I just want to see how things will go for now.


This topic is locked


Galactus 4 y 10 mo 17 d
Add characters to the Database
8+ year member
Added (28): Ahsoka Tano (TCW), Alpha Wolf, Amazing Grace, Baraka, Bat Mite(Worlds Funnest), Big Titania, Blackstar (CW), Cole, Dave Filoni, Devilance, Doctor Bedlam, Fox, General Grievous (TCW), Glorious Godfrey, God, Juno Eclipse, Justeen, Kanto, Luuke Skywalker, Pre-Vizsla, Quentin Lance (CW), Riddler (Gotham), Super Silver, Sweet Leilani, The Creator, Trinity, Umr At-Tawil, Zod Agent
Galactus 4 y 11 mo 19 d
Add characters to the Database
8+ year member
Added (41): 514A (Gotham), Bane (Gotham), Batman (Brave And The Bold), Billy Mays, China White (CW), Cupid (CW), Darth Sidious (RotJ), Echo Zane, Fat Thor (MCU), George Lucas, Gravis, Hawkgirl (Injustice), John Hammond, Kid Eternity, Lex Luthor (New 52), Lightning (CW), Master Chen, Mazahs, Modred, Neuro, Newt (Maze Runner), Nya (The LEGO Ninjago Movie), Osiris, Rag Doll II, Raven (Injustice), Rescue (MCU), Rhea ( CW ), Ronin ( Ninjago), Samurai Mech(Stone Army), Samurai X, Sensei Garmadon, Shockwave (G1), Skales Jr, Skullbreaker, Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable), Stargirl (CW), Strange Visitor Superman, Ultra Comic, Wildcat (CW), Winn Schott (CW), Young Wu
Galactus 4 y 11 mo 27 d
Add characters to the Database
8+ year member
Added (22): Alan Grant, Alex Dark Matter, Batman (Gotham), Brainiac (Krypton), Bronze Tiger (CW), Captain America (Worthy) (MCU), Corvus Glaive (MCU), Cull Obsidian (MCU), Giant-Man (MCU), Harbinger (CW), Human Target (CW), Iron Patriot (MCU), Lord Boros, Luke Skywalker (Thrawn Trilogy), Melinda May (MCU), Nightwing (Injustice), Penguin (Gotham), Professor Hulk (MCU), Proxima Midnight (MCU), Ravager (CW), Red Lantern, The Beyonder (Earth-1298)