Working on the new Tier System. Classes might show up weird/wrong.


Star Ratings set by LadyGaladriel1212

LadyGaladriel1212 has rated 721 profiles and pages. With an average of 6.5 stars.

Rating Profile / Page
Eru Ilúvatar - vs - Forrest Gump
Paul Blart - vs - Team Eru Ilúvatar
Paul Blart - vs - Team Eru Ilúvatar
Lara Croft - vs - Eru Ilúvatar
Lara Croft - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Team Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko Verse) - vs - Team Shrek (Shrek)
Naruto - vs - Team Thanos (Heart Of The Universe)
Shrek (Shrek) - vs - Team The One-Above-All
The One-Above-All - vs - Shrek (Shrek)
Shrek (Shrek) - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Rey - vs - Team Lucifer Morningstar
Shrek (Shrek) - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Eru Ilúvatar - vs - Donkey (Shrek)
Lucifer Morningstar - vs - Team Beyonder (Pre-Retcon)
Galactus - vs - Parademon
Jar Jar Binks - vs - Team Dracula (Castlevania)
Iron Man - vs - Green Lantern (New 52)
Iron Man - vs - Green Lantern (New 52)
Yoda - vs - Team The Living Tribunal
One Punch Man (OPM) - vs - Mickey Mouse
Thanos - vs - Mickey Mouse
Shrek (Shrek) - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Eru Ilúvatar - vs - Team Diablo (Diablo)
Harley Quinn - vs - Sinestro
Harley Quinn - vs - Sinestro
Sauron (First Age) - vs - Isshiki
Wesker (Resident Evil) - vs - Sauron (First Age)
Silver Surfer - vs - Elaine Belloc (Goddess)
Silver Surfer - vs - Elaine Belloc (Goddess)
Batman - vs - The Presence
Paul Blart - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Beyonder (Pre-Retcon) - vs - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Melkor - vs - Xol, Will Of The Thousands (Destiny)
The One-Above-All - vs - Dante (DMC)
Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos) - vs - Team Mr Incredible (Incredibles)
Batman - vs - Galactus
Batman - vs - Team The One-Above-All
Tom Bombadil - vs - Denethor II
The One-Above-All - vs - Spongebob (Spongebob)
Shaggy (Scooby-Doo) - vs - Dr Manhattan (Connective Energy) (Rebirth)