


DC Rebirth

Zeus's History

Zeus is the ruler of Mount Olympus and the father of most of the Gods of Olympus, as well as Wonder Woman.

New 52

In an attempt to prevent his daughter Diana from finding her way back to Themyscira, he ordered the sons of Ares, Phobos and Deimos, to implant false memories in her head.

In Diana's delusion, Zeus hatched an elaborate plan with his daughter, Athena, to ensure multiple goals. They wanted to lure out the First Born, saw the need for War to be replaced, and knew it was Wonder Woman's time to come forward. Zeus was to disappear, and unbeknownst to all, reborn as a baby to Zola who herself was the incarnation of Athena. The power vacuum and the ensuing bickering allowed them to achieve their goals, eventually.


Zeus was killed by Darkseid after he came out of hiding to save his daughter Diana. While the young Darkseid who had absorbed the power of his children was outmatched, he nonetheless leeched away all his power while Zeus was busy pummeling him. Diana was later able to free Zeus' spirit from Darkseid's grip through their emotional bond.