
You must defeat ___ : The month of your birthday is your warrior, how would you do?

Created by AkhilPDX, 4 y 2 mo 21 d ago.

You must defeat ___, the warrior that will help you is the warrior of the month you were born on. How well would you do?

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Galactus 3 y 4 d
You must defeat ___ : The month of your birthday is your warrior, how would you do?
8+ year member
You must defeat ___ : The month of your birthday is your warrior, how would you do?
36 months member
You must defeat Godzilla
January: Shrek
Feburary: Kong
March: Mothra
April: MUTO
May: FeMuto
June: Rodan
July: Ghidorah
August: Paul Blart
September: Superman (DCEU)
October: Behemoth
November: Scylla
December: MechaGodzilla
show 3 replies
BlotskyA 3 y 4 d
You must defeat ___ : The month of your birthday is your warrior, how would you do?
57 months member
I fight Rodan