
Willow Rosenberg

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


xrpl320 7 mo 17 d
Willow Rosenberg
43 months member
Willow is ridiculously overpowered when someone makes her grieve for her girlfriend Tara, which causes her to become Dark Willow and be almost completely unstoppable by "any" force.
She is one of the most powerful witches I've ever seen in Live Action TV shows or Movies. And I've seen a lot.
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Keb03 4 mo 24 d
Willow Rosenberg
19 months member
@xrpl320 I have watched the show many times, and have read a few of the comics, she is stated to be the most powerful witch on earth, in her universe, and IIRC a Goddess tier witch. She is insanely powerful...which is why I was thinking, since you've seen a lot, do you think Willow could be tier 6? According to the uStats, when I put her a tier 6 she her power class raises to 1.5 million...I just wanted the opinion of someone else who has seen the show, and what she is capable of.
Last edited: 4 mo 18 d ago.
Nightshade_ 2 y 11 mo 24 d
Willow Rosenberg
54 months member
@Galactus Can i have rights to edit this character? bc i can finish her i know alot about buffy the vampire slayer