
Willow Rosenberg

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


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Keb03 4 mo 29 d
Willow Rosenberg
19 months member
@xrpl320 I have watched the show many times, and have read a few of the comics, she is stated to be the most powerful witch on earth, in her universe, and IIRC a Goddess tier witch. She is insanely powerful...which is why I was thinking, since you've seen a lot, do you think Willow could be tier 6? According to the uStats, when I put her a tier 6 she her power class raises to 1.5 million...I just wanted the opinion of someone else who has seen the show, and what she is capable of.
Last edited: 4 mo 23 d ago.
Nightshade_ 2 y 11 mo 28 d
Willow Rosenberg
54 months member
@Galactus Can i have rights to edit this character? bc i can finish her i know alot about buffy the vampire slayer