Who wants to write a crossover with Lionman
Created by TheNemianLion, 5 y 8 mo 11 d ago.
This offer is for a short time, as it will not be open for too long, you'll all know why, so let's get this all out of the way.
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AkhilPDX 5 y 8 mo 6 d
Who wants to write a crossover with Lionman #
I'd love to :)
cw6334 5 y 8 mo 10 d
Who wants to write a crossover with Lionman #
Hey @Nemian I'd like to do one, with my character Jumper, he'd be no match for someone like Lionman but he'd be able to do some kind of team up for a bigger threat or something
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TheNemianLion 5 y 8 mo 9 d
Who wants to write a crossover with Lionman #
Tell me what you have in mind. :)