
Who is the best debater on this website.

Created by TheNemianLion, 6 y 12 h 5 m ago.

I believe it to be @SirSpidey He presents his arguments with research and uses facts to the best of his ability, he is also very passionate about debating and sticks to his views no matter what.


Danyel 1 y 7 mo 9 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
20 months member
The most toxic debater according to Mr_Incoginto, on this website. who do you think it is?
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Tyrannus 1 y 7 mo 9 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
61 months member
@Mr_Incognito has since left this site
Danyel 1 y 7 mo 9 d
Who is the best debater on this website.
20 months member
I do not know. in a debate duel, I will take any debater like a piece of cake, no matter what sites I'm on, if they argue against SCP-3812.