Which characters outside of Marvel are immune to Penance Stare?
Created by Tigerking2020, 3 y 5 mo 14 d ago.
Beings that lack a soul don't count.
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ViciousViper 3 y 5 mo 12 d
Which characters outside of Marvel are immune to Penance Stare? #
Maybe The Spectre? Perhaps Constantine? Hell boy?

masterking2 3 y 5 mo 14 d
Which characters outside of Marvel are immune to Penance Stare? #

BlotskyA 3 y 5 mo 14 d
Which characters outside of Marvel are immune to Penance Stare? #
The Punisher has Survive the Penance Stare, Deadpool has Survive it, but I'm Not Sure if there's Any Character's that Immune to It