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These are the 50 latest comments made by UltraInstinctMarvelMasterX

35 months member
Team Hawkeye Ok guess captain americas dead then lol the rest still not sure of except for Wonder Woman
35 months member
Team Hawkeye Flash gets shot all the time. Hawkeye instinctly dodges bullets. I know if Hawkeye gives his position away Flash is gonna run circles around him, but if he can snipe him Hawkeye could win.

I know Black Widow's not gonna beat Wonder Woman, but that's actually a true fact that Wonder Woman is not bulletproof, so you never know.

Also I don't see cyborg beating cap, how? Cap fights iron man all the time none of the lasers are gonna go to his vibranium sheild.

I knew theres gonna be somebody that says ohhhh CAS beats all of those or something like that so I just wanted to display everyone at their strongest and weakest (normal state) to see who would really win

What do you think?
35 months member
Captain America How does cyborg beat cap?