
This is getting out of hand

Created by TheNemianLion, 4 y 5 mo 28 d ago.

Dear Darkwing, this forum has no ill intent aimed towards you, however, for the past several months, you have constantly been irritating me and flooding my user page with 'debunking points' entire paragraphs long from numerous past debates I have partaken in, relentlessly, now, if you wished to debate me, I would schedule you a time, but it's gone far past that, you've called me a literal demon, you leech onto every single comment I make, you clearly do not like me as a person, and that's a very destructive mentality to have, Darkwing, listen, what happens on the site, to me, is strictly professional, it has to do with debating, writing, etc, nothing personal, yet you seem to believe my motives are personal, I need you to know that it is not the case.

As TheNemianLion, I put on a character, differing from my real life character, TheNemianLion is quite prideful, and very intellectual, which is what is presented on this website as well as discord sometimes, however my friend, you are taking things WAY too seriously, you treat Daniel as Nemian, which is very destructive not only to yourself, but to me as well, because we are two completely different figures, now this brings me onto my next grievance, you constantly pitch in your opinion of my previous debates who you haven't had any involvement with to begin with, the trouble in that is it doesn't concern you and they're old points, you can't go at old points, in new debates you're supposed to refute new points in the debate we currently have, which is also another problem as we aren't debating, we're just playing a childish game you're orchestrating where you flood my page and maybe once in a while I'll refute them in five minutes or less... You have to see there's a problem here right? It's not civilized at all, it's chaotic, now, I've tried resolving this in the past and you've been okay with me, but a few days after you've completely taken a 180 like Jekyll and Hyde and came back to attack me, throwing hissy fits so commonly at me it's crazy, you need to cease with that. If you have Discord I would like to get into a video call so we can speak face to face and have an adult discussion to figure things out calmly, because I'm sick of the clearly one sided beef you have with me, thank you and best regards, I hope you take this offer to fix some things. :)

- Daniel

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BlotskyA 4 y 5 mo 25 d
This is getting out of hand
57 months member
Dr Manhattan and Deadpool are mostly misinformation on
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EmptyHand 4 y 5 mo 25 d
This is getting out of hand
63 months member
you're misinformed on everything, as you basically proved
TheOne2001 4 y 5 mo 26 d
This is getting out of hand
61 months member