The Father Of Shadows

The Father Of Shadows


Star Wars: Legends Multiverse

The Father Of Shadows's History

In the canceled Hyperspace article Cult Encounters of the Star Wars Universe, the Father of Shadows is the least known deity referenced by the Five. He is the most ancient of all evil gods, possibly even their progenitor.

The apocryphal novella Supernatural Encounters: The Trial and Transformation of Arhul Hextrophon expands on the Father of Shadows. A dark entity named the Näkhäsh led those fallen Celestials, that brought war upon the planes of Erets and later ruled over the Primary Universe as gods, becoming the Father of Shadows, leading some Celestials to depart the Primary Universe to create their own universes, among them Skyriver. Typhojem would later take the title "Father of Shadows" as his own. There are various corrupting whispers in the Bedlam Spirits' heads as they turn to evil, that are implied to be the influence of the Father of Shadows.