
Team CyclopsvsTeam Venom

Created by BigKevin1996


MemeGuy 2 y 4 mo 21 d
Team Cyclops - vs - Team Venom
61 months member
Team Cyclops Round 1:

Match 1: Daredevil vs. Venom

Reasoning: Battle of the two characters sensitive to sound, so this should be a very quiet battle. With that being said, Venom should have this fight. Too fast, too strong, too versatile and while Daredevil has beaten Spider-Man before, who is quite similar to Venom, Venom won't have the same inhibitions as Peter and would go straight for the kill.

Winner: Venom

Fight 2: Silver Surfer vs. Catwoman

Reasoning: Silver Surfer turns Catwoman to a puddle on the ground.

Winner: Silver Surfer

Fight 3: Barry Allen vs. Sinestro

Reasoning: If Barry is at his most powerful, Sinestro has no way to deal with him. Barry could dodge everything that Sinestro throws at him, as well as dishing out so much damage that Sinestro would get owned in a fraction of a second. Unfortunately, Barry is very rarely at his best and Sinestro should be able to deal with him.

Winner: Sinestro

Round 4: Cyclops vs. Mystique

Reasoning: Cyclops should have this. Just as good fighting skills as Mystique, on top of having a laser that cuts clean through everything in its path.

Winner: Cyclops

Match 5: Human Torch vs. Red Skull

Reasoning: Even with his usual equipment, I don't think Red Skull can do much to Human Torch. Red Skull probably gets set on fire and Human Torch can easily focus on everyone else after that.

Winner: Human Torch

Round 2:

Fight 1: Silver Surfer vs. Venom

Reasoning: This should be Silver Surfer's win, unless Venom is in his King of Black form which I doubt he is cause it would've been specified in that case I assume. Silver Surfer turns Venom into concrete, just like he did to Carnage that one time.

Winner: Silver Surfer

Fight 2: Cyclops and Human Torch vs. Sinestro

Reasoning: This duo can't really do much against Sinestro. I think Sinestro's shields can take both the assault from Cyclops and Johnny's Nova Blast, and after that he just needs to slap 'em around a bit and cause they're human they would be beaten easily.

Round 3:

Last Fight: Silver Surfer vs. Sinestro

Reasoning: Silver Surfer should have this if he plays it properly, but yet again, on average Sinestro is just a lot more consistent with his character and does not mess around. Silver Surfer could drain the energy ring, but it's not how he operates. With that being said, I think he can still pull it off more times than not. He should have it.

Winner: Silver Surfer and MVP, but he doesn't mop the floor cause Sinestro will break him a bit.
Jakcj 4 y 10 mo 9 d
Team Cyclops - vs - Team Venom
75 months member
Team Cyclops Silver Surfer mops the floor

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Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!
Team Cyclops wins!