
Suggestions of new abilities

Created by MrJaeger07, 3 y 10 mo 23 d ago.

Here you can contribute what ability / super power could be added on the website to implement it in a character that has something similar.

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MaseTheFace 2 y 10 mo 14 d
Suggestions of new abilities
36 months member
Some sort of "Sonics" ability. Where the user can project sonic waves or bursts. (Not to be confused with sonic scream which is limited to just the mouth.) Name for this ability could include: "Sonic waves" "Sonic projection" "Sonic manipulation" etc.
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Ezio 2 y 11 mo 13 d
Suggestions of new abilities
88 months member
There is no need for current super speed and strength. Actually they dont have any score too. Speed and strength are in statistics.
Galactus 2 y 11 mo 13 d
Suggestions of new abilities
8+ year member
Same goes for Intelligence and Durability.