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These are the 50 latest comments made by Silva_sh

37 months member
Anti-Monitor (Anti-life Equation) (AU) @Jessica_05 @Deathstroke_01 *Doctor Strange flies over toward Shuma-Gorath, realizing that he does not have the power to change the past and prevent the Ancient One's death, unlike Sise-Neg, all the while being taunted by Mordo that he is flying to his doom. Strange realizes that Sise-Neg's power has almost reached its totality and that his power is near non-existent, but he attacks Shuma-Gorath nonetheless with a Bolts of Bedevilment spell. Shuma-Gorath does not even feel the spell, but Strange suddenly becomes invisible, forcing him to realize that Sise-Neg has absorbed so much power that even his very being is close to non-existence.

Strange turns to Sise-Neg for help, as he is the only one with the power to stop Shuma-Gorath. The powerful 31st Century sorcerer becomes surprised at Strange's audacity to dare approach him and states that with the slightest thought he can destroy him. Strange points Sise-Neg to the primates yelling in fear and agony as they are being devoured by Shuma-Gorath relentlessly, and tells the great magician that although he has transcended humans they are still responsible for his very existence. He asks Sise-Neg how he can possibly abandon his ancestors to something inhuman.

Sise-Neg pauses deep in thought as Shuma-Gorath continues to devour the primates, but then finally reaches a decision. Convinced by the words of Doctor Strange and enticed by Shuma-Gorath's energy, Sise-Neg decides to save the primates and put an end to Shuma-Gorath’s reign on Earth. However, Sise-Neg realizes that Shuma-Gorath is an energy absorber that would drain too much power from him should he attempt to directly confront it. Therefore, Sise-Neg puts Shuma-Gorath in a deep slumber and banishes the chaos lord to another dimension before it can detect the presence of the three magicians After this encounter, Sise-Neg finally absorbs all the powers of time and space and destroys the Marvel Universe, as planets, stars, and everything in existence returns to the pre-Big Bang point - a void of nothingness. Sise-Neg appears out of the nothingness and declares to Doctor Strange and Mordo that he had been planning to recreate the universe in his image after attaining godhood, but after absorbing all the energy of the universe he learned the truth that “Man is the closest approximation of perfection." so more likely a win via Power Absorption
Now if you gonna play like this . ok lets start it

Anti Monitor consumed all power of a universe

the Anti-Monitor has the power to consume entire Multiverse ( Universes )
which Dc Multiverse is Endless In size with Infinite Number of Universes

So Multiversal New52 Anti Monitor is a fact

The Anti-Monitor is tearing reality thus causing the events of convergence to occur

Anti Monitor has Anti life within Himself which is likely equal of life equation and Issue 8 of Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead revealed that the Life Equation could threatens creation ( Multiverse )

it can shape/alter all of the multiverse

With the ALE User can control and destroy the entire multiverse

ALE can enslave the entire multiverse
Also within' each universe (world) there are infinite realms and within' each realm there are infinite limbos Spectre #7

So Destroying a singel universe in dc has infinite level of infinite Destruction And Multiverse is Infinite Number of Universes

Anti Monitor Scale to Darkseid who is +Multiversal - Megaversal on his own
The Starheart and its connection seems to be poisoned by Darkseid

the guardians poured all of magic throughout existence into starheart, who basically released it throughout the omniverse/Multiverse

Anti Monitor is Fragment of Overvoid which is Dwarf Dc Complex Cosmology ( Megaverse size easly )

Spectre is Powerless Against Darkseid

spectre Can Destroy Everything

Unmakes and remakes Creation with the Anti-Life Equation, destroying all hope in the multiverse

Also DO not Forget About ALE concept manipulation on Multiversal Scale
Last edited: 2 y 11 mo 9 d ago.
37 months member
Team Flash WTF ? Its Joke ? God of Death Flash isn't a Normal Black Racer Also Hey sherlock All of new gods are at they peak in 4Th World and Higher Level of Multiverse
SMH God of Death scale to ALE/LE who Can Shape Multiverse in their image . next time try harder and with better feats for Infinity / Eternity
37 months member
Anti-Monitor (Anti-life Equation) (AU) I'm too tired . I have to sleep, we will continue the discussion later. Of course, it's like I'm a little confused about profiles . Good night