

Barry Allen

DC Television Universe

Savitar's powers and abilities

Speed Force Connection: After the particle accelerator explosion at S.T.A.R.-Labs, Savitar became a Speedster.

Superhuman Speed: Like all speedsters, Savitar is immensely fast. According to Jay though, Savitar is the fastest speedster of them all.

Superhuman Reflexes: His perception and reflexes are so advanced that he sees Speedsters, moving at superhuman speeds, as how human beings see normal men running. This allows him to react to them much easily.

Electrokinesis: He has white lightning coming off him when he runs. However, as shown in "Cause and Effect", his speed lightning is still red, and when he speeds around in his armor, it becomes white.

Dimensional Travel: He can travel between dimensions. However, due to being trapped in the Speed Force, he cannot manage this for too long.

Teleportation: While trapped in the Speed Force, Savitar was able to open breaches with his speed, allowing him to instantly transport him and anyone he is carrying across vast distances without occupying the space between.

Superhuman Strength: He possesses superhuman strength, enough to toss and lift full-grown and well-built men without any distress at all. Using his speed and strength together, he can create powerful superhuman physical blows. It is unknown whether its strength comes from itself or from his armor.

Superhuman Stamina: He has an almost limitless amount of stamina and vitality.

Accelerated Healing: He has regenerative powers, which might be superior to an average Speedster's regenerative prowess. He instantly recovered from a powerful frostbite from Killer Frost, whereas a normal speedster would require a certain amount of time to recover.

Invisibility: Due to Savitar being imprisoned in the Speed Force, he was unable to be perceived by anyone who was not also connected to the Speed Force. However, after Savitar was freed from the Speed Force, Savitar was no longer invisible, as evidenced when he showed up on Team Flash's surveillance camera.

Energy absorption: Due to his powers being boosted by the Philosopher's Stone, Savitar was able to absorb copious amounts of energy and redirect it from his suit, as white energy. This was demonstrated when Jesse Wells threw a lightning bolt at him, and Savitar merely absorbed it and redirected it back at her.

Philosopher's Stone connection: As Savitar in a potential future, Barry traveled back in time to locate the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful artifact made of calcified Speed Force energy, and established a connection to the Philosopher's Stone.

Speedster weapons immunity: The Philosopher's Stone, while connected to Savitar, immunized him from weapons that could affect speedsters who drew power from the Speed Force. While wielding it, Savitar was protected from being trapped in the Speed Force itself. The Stone also protected him from being re-imprisoned in the Speed Force a second time.

Telepathic Powers/Telepathy: With his connection to the Philosopher's Stone, Savitar was able to manipulate others' minds. He could telepathically communicate with them and project illusions that only they could see. This power could still be used even while sealed away in the box. However, it was considerably weakened, as he could only prey on a person's insecurities, such as creating illusions of their lost loved ones, to con them into releasing him. He is mentally connected to the Philosopher's Stone. So if a being comes in contact with it, he is able to create telepathic links with them, as he did with Julian Albert, transforming him into Alchemy. He also seems to be able to prevent Julian Albert from remembering his time as Alchemy whenever he becomes a mere civilian again. He showed that he is capable of controlling his suit even when he is not in it, meaning that he has a telepathic connection to his suit.

Illusions Projection: He was able to create illusions of Julian Albert's late sister and Cisco's late brother to manipulate them.

Visions Projection: According to his followers, who have called him the "Dark Lord", he is able to show them the future, allowing one particular follower to point out Killer Frost as being "great" in the future.

Possession: Once establishing a strong enough connection to a person's mind, Savitar was able to completely overshadow their actions, turning them into his unwitting pawn, and possess them, as he did with Julian Albert to turn him into "Alchemy", and enabling them to wield the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

Power bestowal through recognition: The Philosopher's Stone could even return the powers of individuals who had been wielding them during the Flashpoint timeline. While in Flashpoint, he was unaware of some meta-humans, like Magenta and Shade, but somehow gained knowledge of them. It would appear that the Stone bestows meta-human powers to those who had powers in alternate timelines.

Savitar's weaknesses

Philosopher's Stone Connection (formerly): During his Speed Force imprisonment, his presence in the real world is limited. Only through the Philosopher's stone, he is able to temporarily appear in the real world. When the Stone is put in its box and the box is closed, he will disappear suddenly, as shown when Barry shut it in "The Present"; Savitar was about to kill Jay Garrick of Earth-3, but he disappears just as the Stone was locked away in the box. As it turns out, he needed the Philosopher's Stone in its entirety to be released from his prison in the Speed Force, and any broken-off piece of the Stone would have to be thrown into the Speed Force too for it to work.

Speed Force Connection: Despite being the fastest speedster seen so far, he has been unable to project himself physically for too long due to his Speed Force imprisonment, forcing him to rely on Alchemy to carry out his will. He was trapped in the Speed Force by Barry long enough to "lose [his] mind many times over", and every time he manages to get himself on the physical plane of existence, he would just get sucked back into the Speed Force again. However, he has managed to escape this prison by tricking Wally West into taking his place as prisoner, allowing him to stay on the physical plane of existence for as long as he wants.

Time: Savitar's plan was to cement his place in reality by giving Barry an excuse to create the time remnant that would eventually become him. However, H.R. defied this casual time loop and took Iris' place, thus meaning that Barry never creates Savitar; if he isn't created, then the Speed Force will realize the paradox and erase him from existence, just like what happened to Eobard Thawne.

Overheat and Static: Tracy Brand theorized the true reason why Savitar wears his armor; his own powers are potentially a ticking time-bomb. Other speedsters wore friction-proof costumes while running in order to prevent a static charge from building up or to prevent overheating. Savitar's armor seems to serve the same purpose, as without it, he could potentially run the risk of damaging his body.

Extreme Cold: Extremely-cold temperatures can temporarily stun and weaken him, a weakness shared with Barry and other speedsters. Caitlin Snow was able to stun him this way.