

Anna Raven

Marvel's Earth-1009

Rogue's History

Rogue comes from a life of "wealth, privilege and sophistication". At one point she was found breaking into an office building by the Royal Avengers, only to be saved by a stranded Morph of the reality-jumping Exiles. When Morph's teammates arrived to save him, Rogue accompanied him to the Crystal Palace, where she joined the team.

While exploring the Crystal Palace she came across Sabretooth's room, at first thinking it was Cat's (already suspicious of her). Ignorant as to whose room it was, she was curious to why one of her teammates has been spying on the rest of them. Just as Sabretooth was about to confront her, Rogue was teleported away and found herself face to face with a Sun. Nearly blinded or killed, and confused as to how she got there, Rogue tried to put it out of her mind as she answered a call for her to meet the rest of her team in the Conference room.

She was chosen by Sabretooth to be on the team going to the meteor-struck Earth-6706. As soon as she arrived there however, the ground beneath her exploded and she fell down the cliff and was knocked unconscious. Under normal circumstances Anna's teammates would have tried to help her but, as the circumstances were anything but normal, they could not. She opened her eyes to find herself underwater kissing a stranger, giving her oxygen. She left the water with the stranger and they walked through an abandoned town where he introduced himself as Remy (but most people call him Gambit). He explained his world's history to Rogue and she flew him to his family's hidden base in Libya. There they found men attacking the camp, who Gambit and Rogue quickly dispatched, and Rogue met Remy's mother Susan Storm (Earth-6706) and father Namor.