Raymond Reddington

Raymond Reddington

Raymond Reddington

The Blacklist

Raymond Reddington's History

Raymond Reddington is a highly intelligent, highly driven individual with developed sociopathic tendencies. Sly, manipulative, and charming, Red is always three steps ahead of everyone else, and is determined to keep himself a mystery. As he puts it, �??I�??m a criminal. Criminals are notorious liars. Everything about me is a lie.�?�

He is also an extremely ruthless individual with no qualms about killing and occasionally chuckles or smiles at a victims' death. He does not needlessly kill for the pleasure of it nor is he a genocidal maniac hellbent on eliminating all crime, but rather sees it as an effective means of gaining information, leading to the eventual deaths of blacklisters. He displays almost no empathy when killing people but instead covers it up with an affable facade to deceive his victims into lowering their guard so he can kill them or exploit them. He himself stated that when he kills someone he doesn�??t pretend to care how they feel; he shot, stabbed, and suffocated them but he never coddled them, because it is disrespectful. He is shown to be extremely compassionate and caring towards Elizabeth Keen and is fiercely dedicated to protecting her and will go to extreme lengths to make sure she's safe, while also displaying a natural care for the members of his criminal network. He is polite, kind, and caring towards people that he has known for an extended period of time, with his affable persona almost always on display. He is nothing if not a man of his word, as he always keeps his promises. He vowed to Katarina to protect her daughter, and has dedicated his whole life to doing so.

Red is very meticulous in the way he dresses, always making sure it fits the occasion. He�??s usually found in a tailored high-end three-piece suit, a tie (usually colorful), a fedora, Italian leather shoes, and his signature rose-colored glasses. He also always wears a wristwatch. Depending on the function, he may appear in a custom tailored tuxedo. He either wears a blue windbreaker over the suit or an overcoat if it�??s cold. He also has a fur-trimmed parka for very cold temperatures. But he is also a master criminal, and quite often dresses for those kinds of activities as well, wearing nondescript, nowhere near flashy dress if he needs to blend into an environment.