Paige Matthews

Paige Matthews

Paige Matthews

Charmed Universe

Paige Matthews's powers and abilities

Basic Powers:

Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

Potion Brewing: The ability to brew potions. Paige, in particular, has managed to concoct a potion for invisibility.

Scrying: The ability to locate a person or object with the use of a scrying crystal, a map, and sometimes other tools.

Mediumship: The ability to see and commune with spirits of the dead.

Active Powers:

Telekinetic Orbing: The ability to move and teleport objects with the mind through the use of orbs. As she grows more confident with her powers, she learns to orb beings to and from her. She has on two occasions displayed regular telekinesis.

Deviation: The ability to manipulate your current magical power to deflect/send energies back in the direction it came from. Paige is able to send attacks back in mid-air or by calling for them and sending them back.

Remote Orbing: The ability to orb other people from one place to another.

Orb Shield: The ability to create barriers or spheres from orbs that can protect anyone within, by deflecting or absorbing magical attacks and repelling enemies. These shields can also be used to contain things, such as explosions.

Whitelighter Powers:

Orbing: The ability to teleport oneself from one place to another with the use of orbs. In the beginning, Paige could only orb in the same place. As her powers grew, she learned to orb from one place to another, and take at least three people with her.

Glamouring: The ability to change one's appearance into the form of another.

Hovering: The ability to rise a few feet in the air with or without the use of orbs.

Healing: The ability to heal the injuries and wounds of others. Paige could originally only channel this power through another Whitelighter, but later learned to access it on her own.[11] Her hybrid physiology also allows her to bend the healing rules of normal Whitelighters. Paige was able to fully heal half-demon Cole Turner while full Whitelighter Leo Wyatt could not. This was possible as Paige's own hybrid physiology offset Cole's, allowing her, with Leo's help, to heal Cole.

Photokinesis: The ability to create and manipulate light.

Sensing: The ability to locate charges. This power does not work when one of Paige's charges is in the Underworld or vice versa.

Cloaking: The ability to hide someone magically or herself from others. Paige can hide her charges by making them invisible to a select few.

Omnilingualism: The ability to understand, speak, and read any language that her charges speak, without training in it.

Other Powers:

The Power of Three: The collective power of the Charmed Ones that enhances their powers.

High Resistance: This power causes Paige to be resistant to powers such as fireballs and other potentially lethal powers.