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These are the 50 latest comments made by nicolu

95 months member
Thor GTFO! Thor wins this 4/5 if anyone here is being honest!!! Thor is stronger, no mistake or fake power grabs here. Thor is more powerful: he has more powers and MORE versatility. Thor has access to greater power and strength #PERIOD!! despite superduds "possibly faster speed" which is arguable because Silver Surfer is MUCH faster than superduck and Thor beats him EVERYTIME they tussled! the speed advantage most dctards complain about is null and void since THOR is a better, more experienced fighter #FACT!! and I've yet to bring up the abilities of Mjolnir...#Thafuggouttaheahwiddatshit I just upped my rating to THOR FTW 5/5 since base Thor is already a casual planet buster and high Herald without any power ups or amped. ROFL!!!
