MOM (Mother Of Madness)

MOM (Mother Of Madness)

Maya Kuyper

MOM (Mother Of Madness)'s powers and abilities

Maya's abilities are governed by her emotions and the hormones that cause them.

Super Strength: When angry, Maya becomes super-strong and super-fast.

Super Speed: When angry, Maya becomes super-strong and super-fast.

Enhanced Hearing: When anxious, Maya gains supersonic hearing.

Invisibility: When frightened, Maya becomes invisible.

Elasticity: When happy, Maya can super-stretch

Super-Sonic Voice: When laughing, the sound can shatter objects.

Accelerated Healing: When sad, Maya can heal almost instantly.

When Maya is at the peak of her powers and all emotions are running high, her eyes blaze gold and all her powers are active. This is known as "The Pinnacle."