Michael Vaughn

Michael Vaughn

Michael Vaughn


Michael Vaughn's History

Michael C. Vaughn (birth name André Michaux) is a CIA agent who was Sydney Bristow's handler during her time as a double agent for the CIA at SD-6. They assisted greatly in the takedown of SD-6, and entered into a romantic relationship. However, after Sydney's two year disappearance Vaughn married NSC agent Lauren Reed, who was later revealed to be a double agent and was simply using him as a means of getting information for The Covenant.

Vaughn was recruited to join APO along with Sydney and many of his coworkers from the CIA. He faked his death along with help from Sydney and Jack Bristow to stop the criminal organization Prophet 5 from killing him. After Prophet 5 had been taken down, Vaughn and Sydney retired from APO, moved away, got married, had children, and are in love.