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These are the 50 latest comments made by Mfrekemfon

54 months member
Goku (Ultra Instinct) (DB) I'm a die hard Goku fanboy but next time you wanna comment, use facts. UI isn't a power up but some sort of Technique, that's why the Angels are always in UI mode so if it were a power up then it'll drain their energy constantly which isn't the case. UI affords Goku the advantage of dodging/attacking with any part of his body without thinking and it also help him focus his attacks making them more deadly. So in reality, Prime can defeat UI Goku and Strange Visitor Supes can defeat UI Goku too. Don't be a fanboy to a fault
54 months member
Rune King Thor You must really be naive.Superman smash RKT? Damn...King Thor would defeat SPOM talkless of Old King Thor and you're saying Prime will smash RKT? Funny