
Marvel or DC

Created by blob, 2 y 7 mo 30 d ago.

which one do u prefer more?
it includes everything like comics and games!

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Ezio 2 y 7 mo 30 d
Marvel or DC
87 months member
sonyablade 2 y 7 mo 30 d
Marvel or DC
87 months member
I dunno...anyone that's grown up on MCU will say Marvel ad anyone that grew up loveing DCAU will say DC. The CEU is picking up steam recently too. It all comes down to our own heavily biased opinions. A diehard fan will love even the crappiest movie and stone the best opposing franchise's movies. Really, the only thing that caannot be opinionated with much bias here are Videogames. They are either good, or bad. Even to the most devout fan. I'm impartial with everything else, i find it all so euphoric, scheiße egal yo, but if it's videogames, DC takes the prize for me.
Last edited: 2 y 7 mo 30 d ago.
blob 2 y 7 mo 30 d
Marvel or DC
31 months member