


Prime Marvel Universe

Marrow's History

As a young child, Sarah was saved from being killed during the Morlock Massacre by Gambit, although her mutant power likely made Gambit think her injuries were more serious than they were. Later, influenced by the Dark Beast, Sarah led a group of young Morlocks calling themselves Gene Nation in terrorist attacks. When the X-Men arrived she challenged Storm to a duel, claiming she was no longer worthy of being the leader. Bombs were set to Marrow's heart by the Dark Beast, and Storm was forced to stab her to stop them. She soon recovered.During Zero Tolerance, Marrow reluctantly joined the X-Men. Although she served on the team for a time, she felt they were not aggressive much, nor did she feel much in common with the others. The Weapon X Project was able to entice her into joining by offering to help her with her self-image. Their alterations allowed her better control of her powers, and her appearance was more attractive. Mesmero became enamored with her and used his abilities to trick her into sleeping iwht him. She eventually left the project, setting up a new group of Gene Nation to attack them. Agent Zero was sent. He killed all of Gene Nation except for Marrow.