
Kingpin & Lex LuthorvsElektra & Lois Lane

Created by BlotskyA

Battle conditions

CustomFusion of Lex Luthor and Kingpin vs a Fusion of Elektra and Lois Lane


show 2 replies
HeroicSacrifice123 4 y 1 mo 27 d
Kingpin & Lex Luthor - vs - Elektra & Lois Lane
53 months member
Kingpin & Lex Luthor Good start to editing. I would suggest Adobe Photoshop so that you can chisel away certain white spots around parts of your picture that you don't want.
HeroicSacrifice123 4 y 1 mo 27 d
Kingpin & Lex Luthor - vs - Elektra & Lois Lane
53 months member
Kingpin & Lex Luthor If you want to use Adobe though, just put in both images, drag the one of the guy getting stabbed where you want, rasterize it, and use the lasso tool to carve away the white spots of the guy getting stabbed, so that there isn't anything blocking the blade in the last image. It'll look cool. I know it sounds complicated but it won't if you get the hang of it. Anyway, it's a good start.

Voting feed

Kingpin & Lex Luthor win!
Kingpin & Lex Luthor win!