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These are the 50 latest comments made by JLA1847

42 months member
Maaaaybe they will but i am just worried they will sweep convergence under the rug cause cause of how different Ekko between it and Arcane is.

Oh i see, yea i got the digital version like 2 days ago too but havent really tried it out either, most people are saying its really good and some even say its the best Riot Forge game which is pretty nice to hear tbf. But ehhh tiresome days lately so its gonna have to wait a bit.
42 months member
Nah you good, i kinda had a few busy days anyways so wouldnt be responding too often anyways.

Yea thats the thing im most suprised about cause, i mean the game came out a few months ago, to just suddenly "retcon" it like that just doesnt make sense to me, and yes i like Original Ekko a lot more. Arcane one aint bad or anything but he is definetely a lot less developed as a character atm at least, and for me personally less interesting. Eh idk, i am just really not sure how they plan to update the lore of someone like Orianna cause, realistically she isnt very connected to Arcane so its hard for her to appear there, at same time though they dont do short stories anymore, so how long will it take for her (or anyone else that falls into the same situation) to actually fit into the new lore.

Preordered Song of Nunu btw? Iirc it gets out in 4 days or so.
42 months member
Personally as far as Arcane being "canon canon" goes i am, really not fond of it, i think it just messes up the current lore while also clearly downgrading the stories of some characters (Ekko primarily), and then they also will have to do a lot of bandaid fixes, like Meddler saying there were multiple rune wars/conflicts due to Heimerdingers vision which is a change i am very much so not about.

