James T. Kirk

James T. Kirk

James T. Kirk

Star Trek

James T. Kirk's powers and abilities

Personal Combat

The Captain is renowned for defeating bigger adversaries in single combat. Using an eclectic mix of Judo, boxing, and wrestling moves Kirk has taken down a Mugato, the Klingon Kruge, and his Augment nemesis, Khan. Unable to best the Gorn hand-to-hand, Kirk gathered alien plants and minerals to create a cannon that fired a large diamond at his opponent, though Kirk then refused to kill him for sport.

Weapons Technician

Kirk?s knowledge of ship?s systems and weapons tech allows for last gasp victories over superior forces. His work with Mister Scott to turn a derelict, damaged starship back into a fighting vessel and, finally, a bomb, overcame the doomsday weapon that had killed its creators. When his damaged ship was about to succumb to a planet's gravity, he ascended a Jeffries tube to restore the systems and escape.

Psychological Warfare

Kirk preferred subtlety to brute force, and often played on the ambitions and emotions of those who opposed him. Even allies like Spock needed appeals to logic; McCoy, to basic humanity. Kirk used paradoxes or harping on errors to overcome Nomad and other artificial intelligences. But he exploited jealousy to create dissension in the enemy camp, as well.


Possessed of an exuberant vitality and personal magnetism, Kirk would frequently attempt to charm his opposition into joining him instead. He often convinced female adversaries in particular to become double agents or to openly rebel alongside him. He did not bring his newfound allies aboard the Enterprise as crew or to resettle them, however, as that would violate the Prime Directive. But it meant leaving many women he had dearly loved.


Kirk's undercover identities included colonial Earth citizen, Native American betrothed to Miramanee, Romulan, and the role he found most distasteful, an SS Nazi officer. Historian John Gill had violated the Prime Directive, using a Third Reich ideology and framework of power to try to advance the civilization of Ekos more efficiently. Kirk donned the uniform only to aid his revered professor and prevent the Ekosian "final solution" planned against Zeon.



Intelligence140 IQ
Strength130 kg • 287 lb
Speed4 m/s

Super Powers

Weapons Master